Connecting with Bumblebee

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Star's P.O.V

The next morning I opened my eyes and was greeted by blinding light and a pounding headache. I growled at the bight light and turned over to hide from it. Only to find myself buried into Optimus' chest once again, as it happened most mornings. His deep chuckle rumbled through his chest and I blushed at the feel of his laugh against me.

"So how are we feeling this morning," Optimus asked me from above.

I didn't deign to give him an answer. I could hear the smile in his voice, he knew damn well how I was feeling. Optimus only chuckled at my stubborn silence. His body shifted away from me allowing the offending light to filter back to my optics. The pain stabbed through my head and I hissed at it. Glancing up I saw Optimus heading to the door and flipping a switch. The lights turned off and I let out a sigh of relief. I removed my servo away from my optics and stared at Optimus. It took a moment to adjust to the dim lighting and for a moment the only thing I could make out was his optics. The sight of those blue optics moving in the dark was mesmerizing. Giving me the only option to stare.

"Now that the lights are down," Optimus said in the dark "How are you feeling".

"Like I'm being slammed in the helm with a hammer," I groaned rolling onto my stomach.

"That happens after one drinks as much as you did," Optimus said chuckling.

"How does this go away," I moaned.

"Mostly rest," Optimus said.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," I mumbled.

"Rest some more," Optimus said.

I nodded and he settled back down on the berth with me. Once again allowing me to curl into his side. Between the darkness and the feeling of Optimus beside me it was enough for me to slip back into recharge.

Optimus' P.O.V

For a while all I could do was watch Star sleep. In these times, when she had no nightmares, no troubles she was so peaceful. It was a look that I think needed to be on her face more. I pulled her closer to me and she snuggled deeper into the warmth that I could offer her. Over the weeks that we've had these sleeping arrangements I've come to enjoy these times. Especially last night when she was talking in recharge. I couldn't help but chuckle at the things she said as she slowly rested off the rest of her drink.

There was a gentle knock at the door interrupting me from my thoughts. For a moment I didn't want to get up, least that I disturb the sleeping Star under me. Another set of insistent knocking and I knew that it was something important that I needed to tend to.

Gently, I pulled Star's limbs off of me and gently laid her down on the berth. Carefully I scooted down off of the berth and allowed Star to have full use of it. I expected her to sprawl out fully but instead she just curled in on herself. As if she was trying to make herself as small as she possibly could. Like she was trying to hide from something that I couldn't see.

Another hurried knock from the door sent me strolling towards it. I quietly slid the lock open and cracked the door to see Ratchet on the other side.

"Ratchet, is everything all right," I asked opening the door wider.

"I'm fine, I wanted to see how Star was doing with her hangover," Ratchet said.

"She's alright, awoke with a headache but is resting," I said opening the door so he could see the the dark room inside.

"Lowering the lights was a good idea, it will help with her helm aches," Ratchet said with a smile before it dropped at her position on the berth "Does she still have the nightmares".

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