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Arcee's P.O.V

I watched Optimus' as his optics started to flicker between his usual bright blue and red. It was rare that the Prime lost control of his emotions and watching that control just slip was scary to watch. No, that wasn't the right way to describe what I was witnessing.

It was downright terrifying.

Since I first came to this planet I had never seen him so angry. But upon him seeing the condition that StarBlazer was in, it sent him into a frenzy. StarBlazer released a pained scream and the sound sprung the Prime into action.

With a terrifying cry of anger, he rushed towards Megatron. Megatron's optics widen as he watched the Prime rush him and he had barely enough time to throw his arm up to block his punch. Optimus didn't stop there though, his servo changed into his sword and he slashed at Megatron. The warlord jumped back at the attack and called forth his own sword. I could do nothing but watch as their battle unfolded before my eyes.

I had seen many bots go into a near-feral state before. After years of fighting in the war and beating on Cons, I thought I had seen it all. The battle unfolding before me though was one of the most feral fights I've ever seen. It was as if Optimus was unaware of what he was doing. Going completely on the offensive and pushing forward. At times leaving himself completely open to attack.  I watched as Megatron tried to take advantage of those moments but Optimus was pushing him so far that he didn't have time to make the hit before another hit was coming for him.

Optimus was a whirlwind of punches and kicks while stabbing at the warlord with his sword. For a quick moment, I got a chance to see Optimus' optics.

They were completely red with rage.

I heard a loud crash, pulling me out of my thoughts and pressing me back to the present. Optimus had managed to leave a large gash in Megatron's chassis and it had shocked him. Optimus took that moment to kick him hard in his chest, knocking him back to the floor. The warlord went down, smashing his helm hard against the back wall not far from Star. I turned my attention to Star.

She was writing on the bed as the shocks coursed through her body but was too weak to even scream. I could make out just the barest whimpers from her pained form, her eyes squeezed tightly shut against the pain. Rushing over I tried pulling at the cables but felt a rush of electricity strike me. I quickly pulled back my servos at the pain. There was no way that I was going to be able to remove the cables. They were too well secure to her body and they were still on for that matter. I turned back to Optimus and what I saw shocked me to my spark.

Optimus was standing over the fallen warlord his sword raised high above him, ready to strike Megatron down. His eyes were still the bright red but they were dulled and at that moment, realization dawned on me.

Optimus had no idea what he was doing.

"OPTIMUS," I screamed at him.

I saw his optics flicker over to me and I could see his rage grow as he realized how close to Star I was. Raising my servos in surrender I stepped away from her.

"Optimus, you have to calm down, look at what you are doing," I urged him.

Optimus' P.O.V

I couldn't think clearly, all I could make out was a wave of bright burning anger. So bright that it took over my vision and clouded my mind. All I had was the urge to hurt but protect at the same time. It was a new sensation to me, one that I wasn't familiar with even when I was with Elita one. No matter how much I tried to clear my mind of the sensation it just stronger and stronger.  I could hear screams bouncing around in my mind and no matter how much I tried to fight it, it only grew stronger and louder. The only thing that I could do was attack.

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