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Optimus' P.O.V

"Roger out," I said to Ratchet.

The com-link was cut out from me and I turned to look out at the rest of my team. Bulkhead and Cliffjumper were putting the rest of the energon on the carriers that we found in a empty cave. Bumblebee and Arcee were a little bits away keeping a look out for any of the Decepticons. There was something that Ratchet had said that was bothering me. Why did Ratchet want me to see the test results instead of just telling me? Was there something wrong? Had something happened to Star during the tests? All these thoughts worried me. I hoped that she was okay, I had promised her that she would be in good hands with Ratchet.

Just as promised the ground bridge was opened and I had Bulkhead and Cliffjumper go through first. Carrying with them the loads of energon that we had uncovered. Next followed Arcee and Bumblebee and after one final look around I followed up the rear. Feeling the bridge close behind me as I materialized back in the base. Bulkhead and Cliffjumper were already unloading the energon and Arcee and Bumblebee were helping bringing it back to storage. I knew that I should help them but I wanted to check up on Ratchet and Starblazer. Bulkhead and Cliffjumper turned to look at me and I turned my attention back to the task at hand.

"Do you require any of my assistance," I asked them.

"Nah we got this," Cliff said with a knowing smile "I'm sure you got a call from the doc about Star. You should go check up on them".

I gave him a small nod and started heading for the medical bay. Leaving the others to tend to the remaining energon to get organized and stored away. The medical bay was quiet which instantly made me nervous. Ratchet was sitting at his computers, going over screens of data ever so diligently. Star was across the room lying on the examination table, unconscious. Immediately I felt worry flare through me. Had something happened to her? I don't think I would forgive myself for breaking a promise to her. I shook the thoughts from my head and cleared my throat. Ratchet glanced over his shoulder and saw me standing just inside the room.

"Everything alright," Ratchet said turning from the monitors and seeing the orange tint to my eyes "Another attack hit her and I had to sedate her".

"Do we have a trigger," I asked.

"I believe so," Ratchet said turning back to his monitors and information.

"And," Optimus asked moving to stand beside Ratchet and examine the data.

"As I was pulling samples of her energon I had started to ask her questions," Ratchet started "Particularly about her parenting units".

"Her parenting units," Optimus questioned.

"Yes," Ratchet said "As she was speaking about them it was not...normal so to say".

"How so," I asked.

"To put it in her words she said they were less parents and more of monsters. It was all confusing to make out but I believe that we were on the right track thinking that she may have PTSD," Ratchet said "The source seems to be about her life as a human and what transpired".

"That doesn't make sense, what could have possibly have happened," I questioned.

"That's where the question lies," Ratchet said "At that point is when her attack started and there was something more interesting about this as well".

I waited silently for him to continue.

"As she was in the attack I was able to record what was going on with her biologically and psychologically," ratchet said quietly "Her mental state reverts back to a more primal state which can make her extremely fragile and dangerous. Also a strange power seems to activate making her stronger, faster and more agile than most with a higher endurance due to inside pain as well as outside influences".

"The source," I questioned.

"The gold substance that leaks from her sides," Ratchet said holding up the half filled jar "It is actually a rare form of energon that has been thought to be lost for centuries".


"Golden energon is able to grant one with great power and the capabilities of all kinds of energon and more," Ratchet said "According to legend it is speculated to be the blood of Primus himself".

"So we have results and a sort of trigger but what happened to her," I questioned.

We sat in silence and I kept watch over Star. The questions that I had this morning were swirling through my head once more. Did this have anything to do with her nightmares as well? What could have possibly been done to her? All of these swirling through my head and one look at Ratchet confirmed that we wondered the same thing as the other.

"How long has she been out," I asked.

"About ten minutes," Ratchet said "I had to give her a large dose though to get her to go out so she'll be out for a while".

"Then I believe I should take her back to my berth room," I said gently "Make sure she's comfortable and so the others don't disturb her".

"Agreed," Ratchet said nodding.

Without another word I walked over to Star and picked up her limp body. Her breathing was even and smooth and she made no sound. A good sign that there were no nightmares. Careful not to disturb her I gave Ratchet a silent nod in thanks and made my way to my room. For once her face was relaxed and she didn't look to be in fear or pain. She looked peaceful and I smiled at that thought. The thought of her not being in fear or pain made me happy. As I walked pass the main room Arcee looked to be gathering the last of the energon in her arms. She gave me a soft smile before narrowing her eyes at Star. I don't understand why she seems to dislike Star so much but that was questions for another time. Turning away I made my way to my room careful to to jostle her to much. Once I had entered my room I laid Star out across the berth before turning to close and lock the door. I turned back to star and in this state she looked so small and fragile. I could only feel this need to take care of her, to protect her.

I shook my head from the thoughts and headed for the energon storage room. As Ratchet had said it would take some time before she awoke from the sedatives. It would be counter productive to said and wait around while the others worked. No matter how much I wanted to stay to make sure she was okay. As I made my way to the energon room I found Bulkhead, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee still inside. Arcee was no where to be found.

"Where's Arcee," I asked.

"I told her to head back to our berth room and get some rest, she looked exhausted," Cliffjumper said "We're almost done anyway".

"Everything's been gone through," I questioned.

"Yes, we even managed to gather together some high quality energon," Bulkhead said "Thought we might celebrate find this haul and Starblazer's arrival".

"I don't know," I said skeptically.

"Aw come on boss," Bulkhead whined.

"Maybe if she's feeling a bit better later on," Optimus said.

"Why what's wrong with her," Cliff asked.

"We managed to find the source of her attacks but there's still somethings that we don't know," I said "She's resting now and there's somethings I need to talk to her about but perhaps we can celebrate if she's up to it".

Cliff and Bulk turned to each other and gave happy smiles. Excited at the prospect of having something to celebrate for once. I helped them finish organizing the rest of the energon that took the better part of an hour before we all went our separate ways. Cliff went back to his and Arcee's shared berth room and Bulk and Bumblebee left to entertain themselves until they were needed again. I chanced the monitors for any more spikes in energon levels or decepticon activity. When I found none I gave a heavy sigh and rubbed my optics. Taking a look at the time I decided it was time that I go check on Star. Hopefully if she was awake I could maybe get her to open up to me, even if it's just a little bit.

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