Lessons with Optimus

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Star's P.O.V

For the last few weeks I've been learning about my new self and my anatomy. It turns out that the anatomy of the cybertronians is a lot like humans. They just have a few extra parts and it's called different things. My hands and feet are now called servos and digits. My feet are now pedes and our ears are audio receptors. Our audio receptors are hooked up to a sort of communication device or com links as they like to call them. Their all connected to each other as well as to the base. That way we can all talk to each other even when we're far away. Our blood so to speak is something called energon and the earth happened to be rich with the stuff. It's what gives us life and powers our weapons, to us it's everything. Just as much as we need it the decepticons need it as well which causes a lot of fighting over the mines. Based on their sheer numbers a lot of the time we had trouble finding these mines.

Speaking of the Cons we also discussed history. Or specifically about the war that I'm supposed to end. It had started eons ago on their home world. A gladiator from the pits of Koan, their battle arena, wanted all cybertronians to have equality. He took the name Megatronous and had the aspirations to be a prime. Optimus was just Orion Pax back then and an archivist but was close friends with Megatronous, brothers. Optimus stole his thunder though and ended up becoming the prime himself. It made Megatronous angry and he started a way and started the decepticons. Becoming the war lord they knew today, Megatron. Optimus lead the resisting side against Megatron, the autobots. Ever since the two sides have been raging war and it caused the destruction of their home world, Cybertron. It was during this conversation that I decided to ask Optimus something.

"Optimus," I said to get his attention "You said that Megatron started the war because he was angry for not being chosen to be a Prime".

"Yes," Optimus said, his eyes flickering from remembering the past "He became so over taken by his greed for power it caused the destruction of our world".

"But you guys were friends weren't you," I asked.

"We were, I was a clerk and he was a gladiator in the arenas. Although he had so many amazing ideas to help our world.To bring us even closer than we already were," Optimus said "But instead of him they chose me and even now I don't understand why".

"Haven't you ever tried talking to him," I asked "try to work things out so that you can achieve the peace you and him wanted".

"Over the centuries Megatron and I have fought over and over again and again. I've tried to talk him out of this endless fight. To try to make him understand," Optimus said "And I fear that the only way to make it all end is when one of us becomes one with the Allspark".

"One with the Allspark," I asked "What does that mean".

Optimus was silent and he turned his helm away from me. Avoiding any eye contact with me. Was it something bad? Or something offensive to him? Did I ask about something that I shouldn't be asking about? Fear started to creep up from the darkest recesses of my mind. Back in my home, with my awful mother, if I asked or even said the wrong thing she would lash out at me. Cutting me, throwing things, starvation and locking me away in rooms for days on end. Those days were the harshest on me and crushed me not just physically but mentally as well. What if Optimus did the same things to me?

The memories  of those days started to flash before my eyes.  As it had happened many times before pain came with it. All the torture that that woman had inflicted upon me. Turning to the kids from my school and one of the worse days of my life. When I was held against my will and the kids had carved things into my skin. The white hot pain of the night as it carved the words into me. The feeling of how raw my throat was from screaming as I begged them to stop. The blood that flowed down my arms as the wounds they created cried their tears of blood. Even in my new form and having most of the words disappearing one had remained. The one word that hurt the most no matter how many times I saw it or heard it. The curly writing that spelled out the word 'Freak' in bright golden letters. I felt like I couldn't breath and the blood was seeping down my body again. I could feel the pain all over again as if it was being done to me at that very moment. The memories shifted and my mother, those other children, turned into Optimus. His eyes a awful bright red as he lashed out at me. Cutting into me and slamming me into the ground.

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