Chapter 1

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I took in a deep breath of the refreshing, cool air. I walked up and knocked on the door, shifting my pillow in my hands.

Reyna opened the door and smiled. "Piper! I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Yeah, me too." I say as I lean in to give her a hug. She steps aside and let's me into the living room.

Reyna, Annabeth and Hazel's sleeping bags were arranged next to each other in front of the TV, already set up with their pillows and blankets. Reyna's sleeping bag, then Hazel's, and then Annabeth's.

The couch behind them is covered with all sorts of snacks for the sleepover and the TV remotes.

Walking in, I throw my sleeping bag down in the only available space, next to Annabeth.

As I unravel it and smooth my sleeping bag out, Hazel and Annabeth greet me.

"Piper! You excited for tonight?" Hazel asks.

"Totally." I say giving her a big smile.

Annabeth gives me a hug and says. "Thanks for coming."

I blush at the contact and say, "Of course."

The other day Annabeth had told me of this sleep over that she and Hazel were planning. They decided to invite Reyna and I.

At first I had declined coming because I really wasn't into girly things like sleep overs. I'm a tomboy so...yeah.

After hours of begging and begging me, I grudgingly said fine.

And now here I was. Scared out of my mind because I had seen what girl sleepovers were like in the movies.

All the gossip and questions about boys and love. It was crazy. I had secrets, and I was afraid they'd be revealed.

I fidgeted nervously on my sleeping bag the whole night. At first it was nothing too crazy.

We decided to put on a movie. Watching sappy movies and rom coms.
I sat back as the three girls shed tears and went through boxes of tissues.

I tried to fake cry as much as they were crying. I probably wasted a whole box of tissues for my invisible tears.

Then we ate dinner which consisted of pizza, pizza, and more pizza.

After that we decided to play some games. I relaxed a bit because games were games.

We played some uno and Jenga. Classic games. Then after our last round of Jenga, Reyna said what I had been dreading this whole time.

"Let's talk about our crushes." A bunch of ooh's and aw's came from Hazel and Annabeth.

I froze up and my face turned as white as a sheet. I was mortified.

"I'll start." Reyna offered. "I like Chris Roberts."

"The captain of the tennis team Chris?" Hazel asked.

Reyna smiled. "Yeah. You go next Hazel."

"Okay, okay. I like Frank Zhang."

This time it was Annabeth who asked, "The captain of the Chess club Frank?"

"Duh. Your turn Annabeth."

"Okay." She cleared her throat and shifted in her spot on her sleeping bag next to me. "I like...." dread started to fill my soul. "Percy Jackson."

I felt as if I had been shot through the heart.

"Nice, captain of the swim team." Reyna and Hazel said in unison.

Then they all turned to look at me. It was dead silence. They studied me with looks of thoughtfulness on their faces. "You know." Reyna began. "I always knew Annabeth liked Percy and Hazel Frank, but now that I think about it..."

Don't say it, I pleaded. Please stop talking.

"Yeah." Hazel started where Reyna left off. "You've never told us who you like."

Annabeth looked towards me and began slowly nodding her own head. "Yeah, who do you like?" She asked.

"Uh...I-I don't like anyone, that's why." I said, gulping.

The room was in dead silence again until Hazel stood up and pointed down at me. "Lies!"

My face got red from embarrassment. "H-honestly, I don't like anyone. I swear!"

I went into a frenzy mode. Freaking out. Reyna pulled on Hazel's pants motioning for her to sit down. Again all was quiet.

Annabeth then reached over and put her hand on mine. "Come on Piper, you can tell us."

I looked into her eyes and they were so kind and inviting. So I had to tell them.

I looked Annabeth right in the eyes and said, "I-I like....Jason Grace." Lies. I told myself. But how was I supposed to look at Annabeth and tell her? How was I supposed to say, I like you Annabeth! It's you I have a crush on.

I sighed in frustration at my confusing love life.

"Captain of the football team, nice." Annabeth said.

I looked down to see that she still had her hand on mine and I blushed. She gave it one last squeeze and said. "See? That wasn't so hard, was it?"

I looked back into her eyes and I could see the gears turning in her head. I wondered what she was thinking about.

After that final squeeze and moved her hand away from mine. No, come back! I silently screamed in my mind. Then I chided myself. Come on Piper, it's just a stupid crush.

A Stupid Crush-PipabethWhere stories live. Discover now