Chapter 2

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That night I ended up tossing and turning in my sleeping bag, not getting any sleep.

I finally decided that sleep would not come and sat up. I let depression and sadness come and fill my soul until it was leaking out into my heart and mind.

Will I ever be happy? I thought. Will I ever find someone special to be with?

I started to cry. Sucking in my sobs so that the others could not hear. I let the tears trickle down from my eyes, down my nose, to where they fell and dropped onto my blanket.

I shivered, the cold finally getting to me after being out of my warm sleeping bag and blankets. It was a cold chill that swept through my body, right down to my bones.

But I didn't move, made no attempt to make myself warm. To get back under my covers.

So I sat there, in the dead of night, in the cold, crying.

I heard some rustling off to my right and made no attempt to see what it was. In my peripheral vision I saw Annabeth sit up and rub her eyes.

"Piper?" She asked. "What's going on?"

I turned to face her, my red nose and tear glistened eyes shining in the moonlight.

"Oh no. What's wrong?" She asked. I didn't answer. I just kept on weeping, letting my body shake because my crush was right there, but my feelings towards her would never be known.

She got out of her own bag and shivered. "Gods it's freezing out here." She grabbed one of her blankets and wrapped it around my shoulders, in turn wrapping me in a hug.

I wept harder at this sudden show of love, but only a friendship kind of love. Nothing more.

Annabeth shushed me and rocked me back and forth while I lay in her embrace. In the warmth of her arms and blanket.

Eventually sleep overwhelmed me and I began to fall asleep, noticing Annabeth do the same.


I woke up to the sound of many hushed whispers. The bright light of morning coming through the windows and trying to pierce my eyelids.

Finally I let them open and looked around to take in my surroundings.

Reyna and Hazel were sitting on the floor in front of me, staring at me with strange looks present on their faces.

They whispered things in each other's ears, as I sat there wondering what they were talking about.

That's when I noticed I still lay in Annabeth's arms, her head resting on my shoulder. Her arms wrapped loosely around my waist.

I looked over at her sleeping face and could just kiss her, but I didn't.

I looked back at Reyna and Hazel and for a moment we all sat there with dumb looks on our faces.

Reyna and Hazel: Looks of confusion wondering why Annabeth and I were sleeping like this. Mine: A sheepish look, because I was sleeping next to my crush.

Annabeth then awoke, rubbing her eyes as she did last night. Realizing the situation she was in and standing abruptly.

I fell backwards onto the carpet with a thud and sat back up rubbing my head. "Ouch."

"Wha-" Reyna said.

"T, are you doing?" Hazel finished.

I really didn't know what to say, but Annabeth spoke up. "Piper was crying last night and I was just giving her a hug and we fell asleep."

"You fell asleep huh?" Reyna said.

"It was like 2am! Obviously we were tired. If you're assuming that I-I..." she blushed.

"Come on Annabeth, that we assume you what?" Hazel asked.

"That I...l-like girls...because I don't!" She stamped her foot for effect.

"We were just joking Annabeth." Hazel replied. Then she and Reyna laughed and Annabeth started to laugh nervously with them.

I sat there, dazed, not knowing what to do.


The rest of the morning went by like that. Soon enough I was packed up and anxiously waiting at the door for my ride.

My Dad pulled up and honked the horn and I turned to face the three girls.

"Well, I better get going." I said. I walked over to Reyna and gave her a hug, then Hazel. I reached Annabeth and she blushed.

She held out her hand and I shook it, turning to grab my things, and getting out the door before I could hear the other girls responses.

A Stupid Crush-PipabethWhere stories live. Discover now