Chapter 17

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I come to and feel a horrible, unbearable pain.

No duh, stupid, you just plummeted 100 ft or so to hard concrete. Obviously you're going to be in immense pain.

I open my eyes and see a woman standing over me. She must be a medic, I can see the flashing lights from the ambulance up above in the street. She's checking my pulse while a man puts a splint on my right arm.

I chuckle, two broken arms huh?

I realize that my head is in Thalia's lap. She's running her fingers through my hair. I can hear her sobbing, and feel her body shudder from it.

I lift my left arm up over my head, I reach for Thalia's hand. It's warm, though it is absolutely freezing outside, her touch sends warmth through my body.

"P-Piper?" She asks through her sobs. "What the hell were you thinking?" She lightly slaps my face.

"I-I m-made a mistake." I say. "I c-couldn't bear to live with it."

"You didn't have to attempt to kill yourself." She says.

"Maybe not." I reply.

The woman who was checking my pulse earlier stands up and walks over to Thalia. "Are you her friend?" She asks, nodding her head toward me.

"Yes." She says.

"Well you're the closest thing to family she has here right now, I need to talk to you."

"Okay." Thalia says. She grabs my cheeks with her hands, and then stands up, slowly lowering my head to the ground. They walk off to the side.

I can hear them whispering. Thalia seems worried and sad, she starts to cry again. The woman grabs Thalia by the shoulder and Thalia nods.

They come back over. "I'm going to die aren't I?" I ask, trying to ignore the pain I feel throughout my entire body.

Thalia goes back to sitting behind me, and places my head back in her lap. She nods. "That's what you wanted though, right?"

"Well, yes. I thought I'd already be dead by now."

I feel the pain growing and growing, my breathing becomes ragged. I see flashes of white in my vision and I start to sweat. "I-I think I don't have m-much time left." I say.

"No." Thalia whispers. She cries even more.

I'm slipping from this life, everything starts to fade. Just before I black out again, Thalia leans over and kisses me. "I love you." She whispers.

I wish, I think as I look up at the stars above, that I could go back to that day at Percy's house, and do it all over again.

Everything goes black.


"Jeez you look like you just got your heart broken." I hear.

I look over and see Annabeth. I'm in her car. I look down at myself. No broken arm.

Somehow, my wish has been granted. I've been sent back to that day.

"Lighten up. I can't wait for you to meet him." Annabeth got out of the car, and in my shock I followed her.

She knocked on the door, out came Percy, they kissed, and intertwined fingers. "Come on Pipes."

I've been given a second chance for a reason. I've been given this opportunity to make things right.

Sure. Annabeth and I won't be a thing. At least not now.

While she secretly has a crush on me and I on her, she's with Percy. I can't take that away.

And this time..I walked in after her.


Author's Note

Welp. That's the end.

Sorry for making such depressing shit. If you haven't already, go add my Pipabeth 2 story.

The sequel to Pipabeth, my first book. It will have a much happier ending. I promise :)

Anyway, you guys probably don't give a single shit at all...

But ya girl here is in love with another girl and it really fucking sucks.

Like oh my god I want to die.

Fucking kill me for falling in love with a girl who won't ever feel the same.

Just wanted to get that out here.

Anyway, THE END

-Your pathetic ass author who doesn't know what to do with her life because she can't stop thinking about the love of her life because she is absolutely so fucking beautiful and perfect in every way I can't breathe o h m y send help


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