Chapter 10

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My phone buzzed and i walked over to it, flipping it over i saw that it was from Annabeth.

My heart immediately started pounding as i read it. Annabeth wanted to see me before school started.

My hands shook as i responded with a yes. i ran my hands through my hair.

Deep breaths Piper, it's just Annabeth. You've been friends for like, ever. You just happen to be dating now, no big deal right?

NO, BIG DEAL. I'm dating my best friend for goodness sake! My biggest crush likes me too!

i started pacing around my room. What am i to do? My heart was beating so fast it was all i could hear.


i wanted to scream, surely i couldn't do this?

"Piper!" My dad yelled. "We're leaving now!"

i stopped mid pace, worry across my face. Nonetheless i grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs.

The car ride was silent, i fidgeted in my seat, twisting and turning. i felt like throwing up, my stomach hurting badly, my hearting beating so loud my dad could probably hear it.

"You alright?" He asked.

"What? Oh-uh, just nervous about a math test today." i lied.

"Don't worry, it'll be all right."

"Yeah, i sure hope so."

In no time we pulled up at the school, i could see Annabeth waiting outside for me.

"Good luck on that test." My dad said.

"What test? i uh mean yeah thanks." Opening up my door i grabbed my bag and got out.

Annabeth smiled as i approached her. "You look beautiful." She said, taking my right hand in her left.

i laughed nervously. "With this old thing? i don't think so." i replied gesturing to my casted arm.

"Are you alright Piper?" Annabeth asked.

"F-fine why do you ask?"

"Well you sound nervous, you look nervous, and your hands are sweating."

"Alright it's just a stupid test I'm worried about."

Annabeth stopped and turned to me, squeezing my hand, "i know that's not the truth. You can tell me anything."

i looked into her sad, comforting eyes. Sighing, i told her, "I'm just nervous about this." Gesturing to us. "i can't believe it's happening, i love you so much that I'm nervous something bad will happen. That I'll wake up from some dream, that you won't love me, that i won't have you."

i looked away. "It's stupid, forget i said anything."

"No." She said, hugging me. "It's beautiful, i didn't know you cared that much."

Leaning into her embrace, i felt much better.


Short chapter, i know. I'm losing faith in this story, I'm starting to not like it. Mainly because i can't think of anything to write about. i like my original Pipabeth way better than this one.

If you have any ideas of what you'd like to happen, please tell me.

i might just delete this story and start up another one.

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