Chapter 7

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i woke up feeling absolutely terrible.

i felt even worse because of the annoying bright lights of the hospital and the consistent beeping sounds.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"SHUT UP!" i wanted to scream. Instead i sat up in my hospital bed and grunted from the effort.

That's when i saw him. My Dad. Sitting in a chair, elbows on knees, head in hands, fast asleep.

"Dad wake up." i whispered. His head perked up and he groggily said, "Piper, you're awake."

"Yes, I'm awake Dad." i said. He smiled and walked over. Then his smile went away and he asked, "what happened?"

My mind raced for answers. i surely couldn't say i was running away from Annabeth, my stupid crush, because i was jealous of her boyfriend. And how because i was such a sobbing mess, i didn't see the car and I got hit.

So i said. "i was walking home from a friends house and a car came out of nowhere and hit me."

"Oh no, honey. That's awful."

"It is. What do the doctors say?"

"Well, you have a broken arm, a few fractured ribs, a twisted ankle, some serious road rash, and few bruises. But you look great!"

"Thanks." i chuckled. "How'd you find me?"

"Oh, i didn't find you. Someone called an ambulance and i was called over here."

"That's good." i replied.

"Alright, well i think you should talk to your friends. They're worried sick. And some of them wrote you some cards and left flowers."

i smiled and said, "Stay with me while i read these cards will you?"

"i will."

There was a card from one of my best friends. Leo Valdez. Gotta love that kid.

He wrote:

Hey Beauty Queen!

i heard about what happened and I'm so sorry. Get better soon!
How about a joke for the road, eh? i found this one, you've probably never heard of it.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get to the other side!

-Leo Valdez

It made me smile and that's all that matters.

The next one was from Hazel.


But get better soon! :)

-Hazel Levesque

There were some other ones from Grover, Reyna, Frank, Calypso, Thalia, and Jason as well. There were also many flowers given to me from some other friends like Will, Nico, etc.

i was surprised to see one from Percy.

Hey, Piper.

i know we haven't talked much and it must be awkward being a third wheel with Annabeth and i. But I'd like to be friends with you. Maybe just the two of us can hang out sometime? I'm also really sorry about the accident, get well soon!

-Percy Jackson

i smiled. Percy is a good guy. i shouldn't treat him like this just because he's dating my crush.

Last but not least, i saw a card from Annabeth that read.

We need to talk. I'm going to visit you when they let me. Only family members can see you now.


i set the cards down and looked at my Dad. "Is there anyone waiting for me in the waiting room?"

He looked up at me, "Just Annabeth dear, I'll go get her." He smiled and walked off.

AHHHH. i screamed in my head. I can't talk to Annabeth. My heart is still broken.

But my bones were broken, my muscles ached. "Your fight is over." I whispered to myself as I laid my head down on the pillow awaiting my death.

Annabeth walked in with my dad who said, "I'll leave you to alone."

"No Dad it-" I started to say but was cut off by Annabeth who said, "Thanks Mr. McLean."

Annabeth walked to the side of my bed and grabbed my good arm. "Piper, what did you do? Why did you run away?"

What was I supposed to tell her? That I love her and was heart broken to see her all over her boyfriend? "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"I just can't."

She grabbed my hand and my heart softened at the touch. "Tell me." She said softly, in such a kind voice my heart ached to be with her.

"Fine, but not here. Not now."

"Alright. You better tell me. We're hanging out right when you get released from the hospital alright?"

"Alright." I said.


During my time at the hospital I healed fairly well. My fractured ribs healed up nice, my twisted ankle healed so it didn't hurt when I walked, my road rash and bruises faded away, so all that was left was a cast for my arm.

The cast covered my left arm from the fingers to the elbow. It was white and no one had signed it. The nurses gave me a marker so people could sign it.

My dad helped escort me out of the hospital and we got into his car. "Dad, I know you probably want to spend some more time with me and you don't want me going out, but can I go to Annabeth's house?"

He sighed and after a minute of thinking he said. "Why not."

And now I was on the stoop of Annabeth's house. With my arm in a cast, and a couple of bruises still on my face and I rang the doorbell.

She opened the door and was surprised to see me. "Come in." She said smiling.

I walked in and she sat on her couch so I followed her. "Now, you have to tell me. Why did you run away?"

"First, is anyone home? I️ mean anyone at all?" Annabeth's parents were homophobes, and her little brothers would rat out to her parents.

"No, does that matter?"

"Yes, you'll understand later."

"Fine, just come on, out with it."

"Ok. I️ ran away from your house because I️ was jealous. My heart ached and hurt at the sight of you kissing Percy. I️ couldn't stand it."

"Oh. So Percy?"


"So are you... jealous of me?"

"Annabeth. I'm jealous of Percy. I️ LIKE YOU FOR GOODNESS SAKE! I'm in love with you Annabeth Chase."

A Stupid Crush-PipabethWhere stories live. Discover now