Chapter 15: "Success Story"

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"Thank you all for being here on such short notice." Pastor Bryant stood behind the podium with Nicholas to his right, waiting to step up and speak. "I feel that this is a matter of great importance and needs to be addressed immediately, considering the spiritual detriment of the issue."

Spiritual detriment of the issue. Did the pastor really understand what he was saying when he used such terms? What deep, damaging effect those words had on these young people?

"I've asked you here so that we may address Pastor Mitchell's proposed view on homosexuality and its relation to Christianity. It is my belief that the Bible very clearly state's God's position on the matter, and it is not favorable. Pastor Mitchell, not so long ago, believed that as well. I don't know what caused his beliefs to change. He says it is the Lord who changed his outlook on the matter. I can't in good conscience accept that, for God does not go against his own word, his own commandments." He paused as many within the congregation murmured their agreements, some shooting wary looks at Dean as if expecting him to jump up and engage in battle with Pastor Bryant.

Dean remained silent despite the restlessness in his kids. He felt their defensiveness bubbling to the surface—felt it most strongly from Timothy who had grown tense beside him. Dean squeezed his shoulder comfortingly and held his peace.

"Please don't misunderstand me," Pastor Bryant continued. "I haven't forsaken Pastor Mitchell. He is our brother in Christ and I care for him deeply. But I care for all of you as well, and as your pastor, I cannot stand aside and allow you to be led astray but such dangerous doctrine as Pastor Mitchell preached to you yesterday afternoon. I don't believe for one moment that he meant you harm in any way, as he truly believes what he is telling you. But as Christians, we must repeatedly refer to the word of God and understand that no matter how appealing and pleasant something may sound, or how good it may feel...if it doesn't line up with God's word, it must be dismissed. And no argument in favor of homosexuality can stand up to the Bible's condemnation of it. That is just a simple fact, and one we desperately need to adhere to."

The man's words broke Dean's heart. He insisted no argument could withstand that of the Bible, yet how many of those arguments had he studied and taken into consideration? Did he even know what they consisted of? Dean was all too aware of the saddening reality that many anti-gay Christians didn't feel the need to explore arguments other than their own. They were convinced they were right, thus didn't believe there was any reason to look at it from any other perspective because any other perspective was wrong. They didn't try to understand gay people or take a moment to imagine what it must be like to be on their side of this damaging, hurtful, unnecessary war. Where was "Christ" in their Christianity?

Pastor Bryant went on. "I've asked Nicholas Blake to speak today, to talk to you about his own struggles and triumphs in his battle with same-sex-attraction. Many of you are personally acquainted with Nicholas, and I believe all of you will take comfort and be inspired by his words here today." He started to turn to Nicholas and motion him forward when Hank Jenner stood up.

"Pastor Bryant, what good is it going to do our children to have Nicholas speak..." he looked over at Dean. "...if Dean Mitchell is sitting right there in their midst, whispering in their ears, discounting everything that is said as it is spoken?"

Dean didn't miss the fact that Hank Jenner dropped the respective title of Pastor when referencing Dean.

Others nodded and murmured their agreement with Hank.

Before Bryant could answer, Dean rose to his feet. "I understand your misgivings," he said calmly. "I have no intentions your kids' ears, as I deeply respect Nicholas and wish to hear what he has to say as well. But if it will put you at ease, I will sit apart from these young people while the meeting is in progress."

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