Chapter 9: "Applause of Heaven"

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Dean didn't have to worry about dreams that night; one had to sleep in order to dream. He tossed and turned until the pale light of dawn began to press through the curtains of the motel room. At some point, he must've dropped off into a restless slumber because he was jolted awake by a knock on the door.

Sunlight cut through the cracks of the curtains and the clock read 8:15 in the morning.

Dean rubbed his eyes then crawled out of bed and dressed when the persistent visitor knocked a couple more times. His movements felt heavy, his legs unsteady, as he walked to the door and pulled it open. He squinted against the brightness of the day, his vision still hazy with sleep.

"Timothy?" He rubbed his eyes again. The boy stood outside the room with Elliot.

"I'm sorry," Timothy said. "I didn't mean to wake you. I thought you'd be up."

"Normally, I would have," Dean murmured tiredly, then sighed. "I didn't sleep so well last night."

Sympathy etched Timothy's face. "My parents said you went to the evening service last night."

"Yeah, I did."

"They said you apologized for deceiving them."

Dean nodded. "I was wrong not to be honest with them beforehand."

"Is that the mistake you were talking about?"

"Yes." He blinked against the lingering sleep in his eyes. "How are things between you and your parents?"

Timothy shrugged; it didn't look hopeful. "They said they wanted us to talk openly and honestly. But when I tried to talk to them about Elliot and me, I could tell they didn't want to hear about it. I think they just wanted me to listen to them." He glanced at Elliot then looked at Dean anxiously. "They wanted me to go back to the program. They said you meant well but you were misguided and were leading me down the wrong path."

Sighing, Dean murmured, "It's going to take time, Timothy. You have to be patient with them and continue to love them as they are, as you want them to love you. And keep trusting God to heal your relationship with them. But don't ever feel like you have to pretend to be someone you're not in order to appease them. That's no kind of life. Let them know you love them, but also that you're comfortable and accepting of who you are. Things will work out, I do believe that. Your parents are good people. And they do love you very much."

"I know," Timothy whispered. "It's just hard being around them sometimes, knowing they want me to change. It's...stressful."

"I know it is." Dean gazed at him with sympathy, then glanced at Elliot and smiled. "But you have Elliot back in your life now. It's important to have love and support."

Elliot kissed Tim's head. "I'll fight to the death for Tim."

"I believe you," Dean nodded, his affection for the young man growing by leaps and bounds; he was exactly what Timothy needed.

Timothy squeezed Elliot's hand. "Was Nicholas church last night?" he asked Dean quietly.


"Did you talk to him?"

Dean rubbed his eyes again and shook his head. "No," he whispered. "He wouldn't even look at me." He thought about the silhouette in the church window when he was leaving last night. He wanted it to be Nicholas—though he didn't really know why—but there was no way of knowing who it actually was.

"You should talk to him before you leave."

"I've hurt him enough, Tim," Dean murmured. "I'm not going to continue to force all this on him."

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