Chapter 6: "Requited Love"

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The woman who answered the door appeared to be in her mid-forties with shoulder-length brown hair pulled back from her naturally pretty face. There was a warmth in her hazel eyes that suggested at a tender heart. "Timothy?" Her quiet shock was evident when she looked at the boy standing on her front porch. Hopefulness seeped into her gaze. "It's so good to see you again. We've missed you."

Timothy swallowed and blinked. "I-I missed you, too, Mrs. Hanna." He shifted nervously. "Is...Is Elliot here?"

She started to smile and nod when her focus turned to Dean. "He's out on the back porch," she murmured. "Who's your friend, Timothy?"

Dean stretched out his hand and smiled. "Dean Mitchell," he said as the woman shook his hand. "I used to be the youth pastor at Timothy's church here in town."

"Youth pastor...?" An instant guard rose up behind her eyes as she glanced between the two of them. "Timothy...why did you bring a preacher with you?" She looked at Dean. "I know what Timothy went through at the church. If you've come here to try and tell my son that there's something wrong with him and he needs to be healed..." she shook her head. "Then I'm sorry, but I'll have to ask you to leave. Elliot is fine just the way he is. I won't condone anyone telling him otherwise."

Timothy hesitated then whispered, "I think Elliot is perfect, Mrs. Hanna."

The woman looked at him, uncertainty on her face.

"I assure you, Mrs. Hanna," Dean said. "We are not here for that purpose. We have no desire to change your son. You have my word."

Martha Hanna remained doubtful a moment longer, then nodded and invited them in. Dean admired the woman for her support and defense of her child. If only more of these kids had parents like her, the world would be a much better place for them to grow up.

They followed Martha through the house to the back door. She walked out ahead of them. "Elliot? You have some visitors."

Dean stepped out first and the young man looked at him, started to speak, then went still when Timothy appeared at Dean's side. "Tim...?"

Martha Hanna excused herself and returned inside.

Elliot was a handsome boy with dark blond hair, neatly cropped, and the physique of a high school athlete, though Dean had no clue if the boy played sports. He was tall—nearly Dean's height—and looked like a country boy right off the farm with his button-down shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. His eyes—radiating the love in his heart—never left Timothy as he approached almost hesitantly. "Tim..." After a moment, he looked at Dean. "I'm sorry," he murmured unsteadily. "Do I know you?"

"This is...Pastor Mitchell," Timothy whispered.

The same guarded look as his mother's etched his face. "What's going on, Tim?" Hurt shimmered in his deep blue eyes as he suspected the same motive as Martha Hanna.

"I just...I needed to see you," Timothy said with a tremor.

Elliot stared at him, his guard wavering as his heart pushed through. "How have you been, Tim?"

Blinking back tears, Timothy whispered, "Not so good. But...but that was before. I'm better now."

"Better...?" Elliot glanced at Dean, his eyes narrowing slightly. "" His throat worked and quiet indignation simmered behind his stare. "You didn't need to get better, Tim," he said thickly. "You were perfect the way you were." His breath quickened a bit and tears filled his eyes as he glared at Dean. "What did you do to him? Who are you to tell him what to feel—who to love." His chin trembled and tears thickened. "Who the hell do you people think you are?"

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