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                                 *Lovina’s P.O.V* 
              after what happened my mom made me sleep with her in her room. She wouldn't go to sleep until I did. I still don't want to be here ' I have to get away' I thought to myself. After about an hour and a half I came up with a plan ' I'll just run away' I thought to myself. I pretend to be sleep then once my mom went to sleep I snuck out the bed and to my room I packed my money and clothes left. I was just hoping no body tries to stop me this time. There is nothing left for me here and I don't feel welcome here in this village. I just wish Sasuke loved me back but I guess life never goes your way around here well I will just start over with a new life in a new place maybe even find a new me one I enjoy.

                                                       *Naruto P.O.V.*

                          I was on my way to Lovina’s house to see if she wanted to walk to school together. Because I feel very bad that because of me and my friends Lovina nearly killed herself. I know teme has a crush on her so I won’t flirt with her and besides I like Hinata. Also maybe if we become friends then she might show me who the other her is the one that use to smile not the one she is disguised as well that is what she said in that letter. I finally arrived at Lovina’s house I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a minute a women with brown hair and black eyes opened the door. She looked a lot like Lovina I guess that it is her mother. "May I help you" Mrs. Mizuka said. I smiled "yes I'm a friend of Lovina’s I wanted to know if she wanted to walk to school with me and Sasuke" I said. She smiled "oh okay come on in" Mrs. Mizuka said. I nodded then walked in "I'll go get her" Mrs. Mizuka said and went upstairs. I looked around her house it was very big and beautiful her house was even bigger than Sasuke house. After about 5 minutes I heard a gasp then a scream and crying I ran upstairs and in the room to see Mrs. Mizuka standing there crying and looking at a letter I walked over to her and took the letter and what it said pissed me off and also shocked me it said:   
                                  Dear mom,
                           I know this may hurt you but I have to leave I won’t kill myself but only runaway. So I hope it makes you feel a little better if you know that I'm still alive I promise to write to you every month but I have to leave. But I love you and tell Sasuke I love him to and do not come after me this my choice and I know this is the best thing to do at this point. Well this is good bye mom till we meet again.

                                                                                                                     ~Lovina/ H.U. 

                        I was shocked at this she ran away after I calmed Lovina’s mom down I ran out the house with the letter Sasuke has to know this. I know she said not to tell him but this is what has to be done.

                                                            *Sasuke P.O.V.*
                                                I was at my house just chilling waiting till it was time to go to school when I heard a knock on the door and by the sound of it its was must have been an emergency. I sighed and got up and answered the door I opened it to see... Naruto and he was breathing hard and fast like he was running this loser. "What do you want loser" I said irritated. "It's Lovina" Naruto said. "What about her" I said worried but also serious he handed me the note catching his breath. I grabbed and read it I nearly fainted "she ran away" I said shocked at what I was reading. Naruto nodded then my phone rang I answered it and it was Lovina’s mom and she told me the same thing Naruto did I was totally worried. I dropped my phone and ran out of the house and start looking for her this girl is driving me crazy she can't just stay put I didn't even get permission to leave the village I just went after Lovina and of course Naruto followed me "Yo teme wait she said not to go after her" Naruto said finally catching up to me. "I don't care I can't just let the girl I love just leave she's my whole world and I love her just imagine if it was Hinata you wouldn't have just let her leave now would you" I said then start running faster I have to find her and tell her I love her.

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now