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  I was walking around the living room waiting on Sasuke. I was scared of what he might say about the real me will he treat me like a princess and fall all over me like all the other boys did or will he treat me like a normal girl like I want to be treated like. All this thinking was driving me crazy but then I heard the doorbell I ran and opened it to see Sasuke "finally" I said pulling him in the house and closing and locking the door. I also closed the curtain and windows so no one can peak in and see me. "Hey babe" Sasuke said and kissed me. "Hey" I said. "Okay I'm ready to see this other you" he said. "Okay...but you have to promise to not drool all over me" I said because that is one thing I really hate is how boys just drool all over your looks. He smiled "promise" he said I smiled "okay I'll be right back" I said and then went upstairs to change. I took my wig off and let my long orange hair fall to the bottom of my back I took my contacts out and sat them in my case. I walked to my closet and looked all the way in the back and pulled out a box with my old outfits I use to wear when I was me it was a blue Minnie skirt and a blue collared dress shirt I walked in front of the mirror then put on my tiara and smiled "welcome back Hanako Mizuka" I said and walked out the room I guess someone should know the real me. 

                                                 *SASUKE P.O.V*

  It's been ten minutes what taking her so long "Sasuke" I heard Lovina say "yes" I said "close your eyes" she said I sighed and closed my eyes. I heard her walk down the stairs "okay you can open your eyes now" I heard her say I opened my eyes and what I saw was a shock this was a completely different Lovina she had Orange hair and these beautiful purple eyes that made me fall in love with her even more what she wore was different to she wore a Minnie skirt and a dress shirt and a tiara she really did look like a princess. I actually start drooling over her and staring after a minute I snap out of my Trans to see Lovina angry she looked at me then stomped away and sit on the couch. I stood up and sat next to her "what's wrong Lovina" I asked her she glared at me "you said you weren't going to drool over me but you lied to me" she said folding her arms and looking the other way. I sighed "I'm sorry it’s just you look amazingly hotter then you did before" I said "no apologies" she said rolling her eyes and scooting away from me A little. I smirked and kissed her neck making her moan slightly I stopped and smiled "am I forgiven now" I asked. She blushed and sighed which I took as a yes "so this is the real you" I asked taking in what she looks like "y-yeah" she said blushing "how come you don't be the real you in public "I asked she looked down sadly "well because back when I lived in the hidden mist I was the most popular girl in school all the boys wanted me all the girls wanted to be me and soon the boys started to sexually harass me and people always judged by the looks not by what’s in the heart and I was sick of it and so I moved here with my mom and changed my looks" she said I felt bad after hearing what happened to her " Well you have me babe so no one will hurt you so will you be the real you" I said. She looked confused "I don't know that's not convincing enough" she said. 
I smirked and kissed her and sucking and biting her soft spot making her moan in pleasure I lifted up from her is "that convincing enough" I said. She playfully glared at me and punched my arm but she nodded and I smirked "so now you’re the real you" I said. "Well actually there's.... more" she said looking in her lap 'how many secrets can one girl have' I thought "well my real name is Hanako Uzumaki my father is Minato Namikaze I don't know what happened to him they say he died during the massacre  my mother real name is Kushina Uzumaki And then there is my big brother Naruto Uzumaki he was 2 years older than me and they say he died in the massacre with my father" she said and I saw her start crying I hugged her and she wiped her tears and pulled away but I was still in shock trying to process all this information 'Her last name is Uzumaki but that's Naruto last name and he is her brother and lastly her father is the Hokage'! Thought to myself. 

                          #Hanako’s P.O.V.#

         After I told Sasuke my real name and about my family he looked shocked and in a daze like he just realized something and by the way he was thinking so hard I could tell  he must have known something and I wanted to know what "umm... Sasuke what's wrong" I asked he looked like he was debating if he should tell me or not. "Nothing" he said but I could tell he was lying "Sasuke tell me" I said "no" he said I smirked then sat on his lap and put on my most innocent face "oh come on Sasuke sweetie it's not nice to keep secrets from your girlfriend and future wife" I said he blushed. "Fine.... but you have to promise you won't freak out" he said I nodded "Okay I promise and I will keep my promise unlike some people" I said glaring at him. He knew I meant him and he playfully rolled his eyes "well I know where your father and brother are" he said. I was in complete shock I can't believe this he is lying no he would never lie to me. "H-Hanako” Sasuke said. I couldn't hold it in any longer I jumped up and start doing a happy dance I also started freaking out. I jumped on Sasuke and kissed him when I did that I heard him chuckle after a few more minutes I calmed down and sat next to Sasuke "so where are they" I asked excitedly. "Well.... your father the fourth Hokage and he is probably in his office and Naruto.... He is probably at home or he is out eating ramen or at my house in my room oh and Naruto doesn't know Minato is his father" Sasuke said taking a deep breath from all that talking. I started jumping around again "I'M THE FOURTH HOGKAGE DAUGHTER"! I yelled I then sat back down. "Are you done" Sasuke asked I nodded " Wait was Naruto that guy with the blond hair who was in the woods with you and we were on the phone with and is always at your house and playing games with you in your room up until like 3 in the morning" I asked he nodded "wait how do you know all that" he said I blushed "well I sort of kind of use to stalk you for about 3 years" I said he looked shocked "hey that's creepy" he said. I stuck my tongue out at him "anyway at least my brother is cute" I said Sasuke looked jealous I smiled and kissed him "I said cute Not sexy like you" I said teasingly he smirked then stood up "let's go" Sasuke said I was confused "go were" I said "were going to tell the fourth Hokage the truth and change your name back to Hanako Uzumaki" Sasuke said I nodded then I realized something "we have to wait and tell my mom so she can come with us I know she misses her husband" I said he nodded and we waited for my mom.

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now