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It was Monday and I was sitting in my room pissed. You wanna know why because my duck butt stupid ass boyfriend Sasuke won't even call me I even tried calling him it went straight to voice mail I tried texting but his mom or brother would text saying he left his phone there. He's acting like this all over some stupid ass dare I mean come on Kiba is like a brother to me and Gaara is like my bodyguard I don't even like them like that also because of my pregnancy hormones I was more pissed off about this then I should be. I slammed open my door I'm pretty sure I broke it. I stomped all the way to school no matter how tired I am because I mean I need the walk I been in the room for months now. No one in the house say me because they were all gone some were mom was out with Mikoto-san dad is in his office working and Naruto was of course at school. I was so pissed I didn't even close the house door. I walked up to the school door ' I'm going to confront Sasuke ass right damn now cause he is being childish' I thought to myself. I bust opened the school doors. School just started so no one was in class yet. I walked through the halls ignoring the whispers about my huge belly I mean they acting like they never seen a pregnant women before. I saw Sasuke talking to someone and walked up to him and grabbed his collar. "You freaking stupid duck butt hair having bastard what the hell is your problem you don't talk to me or even call or text me for four months" I yelled. He snatched his collar away from me and glared "well I wouldn't have a problem if it wasn't for you kissing Kiba and Gaara right in front of me your just a slut like most of these girls around here at least they're not in relationships but you are and your being a slut so that makes you even worse than them your disgusting" Sasuke said. what he just said broke my heart it feels like it was pulled out stomped on cut in half and put back I think half of it is gone for sure. " I'm not a slut it was a freaking dare it meant nothing to me and you know that" I yelled tears coming to my eyes "well you did it anyway even when you were in a relationship which make you a triple slut your nothing but a cheating dirty slut your nothing more than a piece of disgusting trash " Sasuke yelled back. "Well... you're the stupid one for falling in love with a cheating dirty slut" I said. "Your right it was stupid it was the biggest mistake of my life" Sasuke said. Bam did you hear that that was my heart being punched and shattering I think my heart is gone. I slapped him so hard it hurt me and my hand turn numb "yeah well I wasn't a cheating dirty slut when you got me pregnant six months ago now was I" I yell then pushed him out of the way and ran out of the school crying I hate him this went all wrong. I ran the whole way home and locked myself in my room and sat in the corner of my bed. I'll never leave this room again I'll even have my babies in here I hope Sasuke is happy stupid duck butt I hate him.


"But I wasn't a cheating dirty slut when you got me pregnant six months ago now was I" Hanako yelled. I was shocked she pushed me out the way and ran out of the school crying. 'She's pregnant and she didn't even tell me that's probably why she has been acting so weird lately and also when she was with Itachi that's what she told him. And that's why Itachi keeps asking me is she okay has she been to the hospital I can't believe I didn't notice I mostly can't believe I just said all that stuff to her' I thought to myself. I sighed I guess I'll talk to her later after school that will be enough time for us to both cool off and for me to figure out what to say to her. I turn around to go to class to see a pissed off Naruto he was so mad I thought I say his eyes turn red. "THEME you bastard you got my sister pregnant then you call her a slut and on top of that you got her pregnant" Naruto yelled grabbing me by the collar about to punch me. "Calm down I will go talk to her after school I know what I said was wrong I feel terrible" I said. "hell no you're the reason she is the way she is and is in her room crying her eyes out so you're going to fix this right damn now so go to her" Naruto yelled pushing me toward the door. I sighed "fine" I said giving up and left to go talk to her. I already know this is not going to go well because I'm dealing with Hanako here and she is difficult when she is not upset so imagine her upset this will not end well.


I crawled in the corner in my room and cried "I'm not a cheating dirty slut it was just a dare I don't even like Kiba or Gaara well I don't like Gaara anymore there like my brothers except Gaara is my red headed panda I don't even have those kind of feelings for them" I said to myself. Then I heard a knock on the door "w-who is it" I said hoping it was Hinata or TenTen. "It's me baby open the door so we can talk" I heard Sasuke say. "No go away I'm a cheating dirty slut remember....I hate you" I yelled. "Hanako I'm sorry I didn't know you were pregnant I mean how was I supposed to know you don't tell me anything important I always have to find out from Naruto" Sasuke said. "No just go away I don't want to talk" I said throwing my pillow at the door making a bang noise on the door. "Fine...but I'll be back every day until you let me in because I really am sorry" Sasuke said. Then I heard his footsteps leave and l start crying again until I feel asleep worst day of my life.


THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now