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                                         #2 WEEKS LATER#

Well after my little scene at school with me and sasuke just like sasuke said he comes by everyday and tries to make me open the door. But nothing he has said or sung yes he even sang me songs they were cute but not enough to be forgiven but it still has not made me open that door. Because what he said to me really hurt me like i could never forget those words. Also my friends found out about the pregnancy and they promise not to tell the parents even Naruto promised. Well now I let my friends come in my room excluding sasuke of course even Itachi comes by when he can. I was sitting on my bed thinking about what's going on in school right now i miss going to school i won't even be able to go to my prom. After a while there was a knock on the door hopefully Naruto with my candy "Who is it" I asked. "Babe it's me" sasuke said. "I already told you no now go away" I said mad he keeps coming back. "Baby at least let me in so we can talk about what happend do it for me if not for me do it for the future of our child because baby i don't want our kid to have parents that hate each other please let me in..... baby please" Sasuke said. I sat there thinking I do want my kids to have a mother and a father who get along damn it he had to play the child card. I sighed and got up and unlocked the door then sat on the bed. sasuke walked in and the first thing he saw was my huge belly he froze at the sight of it. i looked out the window. "Yeah I know it's huge" I said. Sasuke locked the door behind him. he sat next to me we sat in silence until he spoke. "Hanako I'm so so so sorry I know I overreacted all over the whole kiss thing I guess I was just upset that my women was kissing someone that wasn't me and it hurt me to see you do that right in front of me like i didn't matter it hurt bad but i know people make mistakes i did to by saying those things to you and avoiding instead of being a man from the start and talking to you about what happened i'm sorry" sasuke said looking at the ground. I was shocked now that i think about it i did make it seem like i didn't care he was there that day i must have hurt him really bad I feel horrible "I'm so sorry I didn't know you felt that way I was only thinking about impressing my friends and being a teenager I never thought I was hurting you I feel so so horrible i respect you i love you to much not to and i should have thought about your feelings as well before doing what i did" I said about to cry. "please don't cry it's my fault but can you ever forgive me please" sasuke said. "I forgive you but can you forgive me" I said. He kissed me and smiled "there was never nothing to forgive" sasuke said. I smiled then kissed him. "So what are we having a boy or a girl" sasuke asked looking at my stomach. "Oh were having a boy and a girl" I said smiling. Sasuke pretended to faint I giggled at him i missed him so much. "So how about we take a walk since you've been in this room for a while it" sasuke said. "I don't know" I said not sure I mean like what if mom or dad see me. "Come on you don't have to worry no one is Going to see you and plus it would be good for you and the baby" sasuke said. I sighed "fine" I said. Putting on my shoes. We left and walked around the village i miss my walks around the village it is so beautiful. "So anything new in school" I asked. "No not really except naruto and sakura are a thing now hinata is so heartbroken she has changed she's cold now" sasuke said. I was shocked that's why she hasn't came and seen me in awhile i thought maybe something happend at home. "Oh my god not hinata this is bad I feel bad for her i can't believe this" I said "I know everyone knows she really loves naruto well everyone except naruto himself" sasuke said. "That idiot I'll have to do something about that soon" I said sasuke nodded. "Oh also were known as the power couple of the year which i don't know why i guess because were the hottest girl and boy in school we get the attention" sasuke said. "Really" I said he nodded in response i noticed it was getting late. "We should head back" I said "okay" sasuke said. Then we started to head back. When we got there my parents and naruto also sasuke's parents were there and even itachi. i quickly hid behind sasuke so no one would see me. "What's going on why are you guys here" sasuke said confused. No one could see me which was a good thing. "Oh hi sweetie mrs.uzumaki invited us over for dinner isn't that nice" Mrs.uchiha said. "oh yeah i guess" sasuke said. then my mom looked at sasuke. "you've been here all day right" my mom asked sasuke. "yeah i was in my room" sasuke said. "you have a room here" his brother said. "yeah i have a key to the house to but that doesn't concern you" sasuke said. "wow now i know where to find you when you say your going to the store and never come back for a few days i just thought you were going to see a girl" his brother said that made me want to giggle but i kept quiet. "yeah whatever" sasuke said. "anyway as i was saying did hanako come out her room at all today at least for a minute" my mom asked sasuke i froze for a second i guess i can let them see my head i mean they can't see i'm pregnant by my head. i stuck my head over sasuke shoulder so they could at least see my face. "i'm right here" i said. everyone was shocked probably because they didn't notice me. "you got her to come out of her room" my dad said. "yeah it was easy i'm her boyfriend after all" sasuke said. I rolled my eye 'yep so easy' i thought to myself. "wait you guys are back together" naruto asked i glared at him but nodded. "you guys broke up" my mom asked confused. "yeah we had a little problem but we solved it" sasuke said. making me and naruto smirk at his excuse 'little my ass' i thought. "i missed you so much hanako come give me a hug" mom said. "i-i can't sorry" i said. this confused everyone but sasuke and naruto's and itachi. "why" mom said with a little hurt in her voice which made me feel guilty for saying no. "i just can't it's nothing really" i said. "please tell us what's going on" dad said. "i can't you wouldn't understand and i kinda don't want to die today" i said. "hanako uzumaki namikaze tell us what's going on right now" dad said using his serious voice which made me flinch i hate it when he does that. I sighed "okay but first you have to promise not to get mad and try and kill me or sasuke this goes for everyone except naruto's and tachi-nii they already know what is going on" i said. everyone looked confused but promised. i took a deep breath then stepped from behind sasuke. i heard the parents gasp "i-i'm s-six months pregnant" i said. "WHAT" dad yelled. "i'm sorry" i said looking at the ground i knew they would get upset. "i already knew" naruto said shrugging. "me as well" itachi said. "what and you didn't tell me" mom said to naruto . "i'm sorry but i promised" naruto said looking at the ground. "i'm am disappointed you didn't tell me itachi"mrs. uchiha said to itachi. "well i promised as well and i'm a man of my word" itachi said making me smile. "well that is understandable" mrs.uchiha said. "I DON'T CARE I'M GOING TO KILL SASUKE AND HANAKO SASUKE YOU BASTARD YOU GOT MY LITTLE BABY PREGNANT" dad said trying to run toward us. but my mom and naruto held him back. "LET ME AT THEM LET ME AT THEM" my dad yelled. then sasuke dad did the same thing. after the fathers calmed down we all sat down and ate dinner i haven't had my moms cooking in months i missed how good it taste. "so are you guys keeping it" mrs.uchiha said. we nodded "what are you having" mom asked. "a boy and a girl" sasuke said. they looked like they were going to faint why does everyone do that but i love seeing their faces. "well we need to look for you and sasuke a place to stay" itachi said. "WHAT" me and sasuke yelled in unison. "well yeah you thought you guys would have a child and not live together" itachi said. i fainted (not really). "we have a mansion they can stay in" mr. uchiha said. my parents nodded in agreement. "so when should they move out" dad said. "in two months so we can get the house and baby room together how about it kushina" mrs.uchiha said. "okay let's start decorating tomorrow" mom said. i can't believe this is happening. after that we started talking. but whenever itachi looked at me i would blush because he is mega hot i mean i did always think he was hot but sasuke is still hotter. sasuke noticed and got irritated well more like jealous. "hanako can i talk to you in private" sasuke said. "sure" i said and we got up and walked into the living room. "whats up" i said. "do you like my brother" sasuke said "W-what" i said blushing. "you heard me i said do you like my brother" sasuke asked me again. "i mean yeah he's cool and all" i said. "no i mean do you like like him" sasuke said. "what n-no no why would you think something like that everytime were around him you ask me this question" i said blushing i mean every time. "because whenever he looks at blush" sasuke said annoyance clearly in his voice. "well what do you expect he is mega hot" i said. "so you do like him" sasuke said angry. "hey okay maybe i like like him i'm allowed to have my opinion on him and my feelings plus he is way to old for me" i said. "but he's my brother how can you like him" sasuke said with a little pout. "i don't know but i know i would never go out with him and plus i may like like him but i like like like like you more and plus your still mega sexy so you're still more important than him to me it's only a crush so stop being jealous it might go away one day" i said. "okay but still stop blushing at my brother at least when i'm around and just because you complimented me doesn't mean i'm not still mad at you" sasuke said. i smirked "if you stop being mad i'll let you sleep with me tonight" i said seductively. he then smirked at me "okay" he said. i smiled then kissed him. then we walked back in the kitchen and sat down. i knew they were eavesdropping. after a while i got bored. "well i'm going to my room now come on sasuke" i said then we left to my room and we did things not caring anyone was down stairs but what can i say we haven't talked in a while.

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now