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I got up to get ready for school. some how sasuke and every body convinced me to go back to school. i was in my room trying to button my jeans but my stupid stomach was in the way.i was having a hard time "stupid stomach" i said. then i heard someone laughing i turned my head to see sasuke standing there laughing i pouted "hey stop laughing at me and help me" i said. he walked up to me and button my pants. "thanks" i said then kissed him "you ready"he said. "i can't walk my feet hurt so can you carry me to the car and also to my classes" i said. "" sasuke said. i sat on my bed and pouted "then i guess i can't go to school then" i said folding my arms. he sighed then picked me up bridal style. "you know you are a spoiled brat" sasuke said. "but i'm your spoiled brat" i said smiling then kissed his cheek. he rolled his eyes which made me giggle. when we got down stairs i seen my mom and dad sitting in the couch. "hi mommy hi daddy" i said. they smiled at me "hi sweetie" dad said. "hi peaches" mom said. "okay i'm off to school....NARUTO GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW I'M READY TO GO" i yelled. naruto then came running down stairs "okay sorry please don't hurt me" naruto said a little scared. he learned not to irritate me when i'm pregnant because two days ago i bit him because he irritated me. we walked out to the car sasuke put me in the passenger seat and naruto got in the back. sasuke but my bag in the back seat and got in the diver seat and we headed to school. "hey hanako" naruto said. i looked at him "yes" i asked. "can i ask you a question" naruto asked me. "you just asked me one but sure go ahead" i said. "well it's about hinata" naruto said. "okay what is it" i said. "well since your her best friend maybe you know" he said. "know what" i asked confused. "well why does hinata sneaks into my room at night and sleeps with me in my bed then leave when it's morning" naruto asked. i gasped "how did you find out about that" i said shocked he knew i knew about this from the start. "well one night i was half asleep when she came in but i was to tired to talk and i......wait you knew this whole time" naruto asked. "well yeah she is my best friend" i said in a duh voice. "oh okay but why does she do it" he asked curious. "your an idiot" sasuke said. "it's because she has had a crush on you for like forever" i said. "WHAT" naruto yelled shocked. "yeah everyone knew except you" sasuke said. "yeah and now your dating sakura and that made her so upset she cries herself to sleep at night talking about how she lost the love of her life to a pink slut and how after today she was moving to the sand village to try and get over you but she new she would never find someone she loves the way she loves you" i said smiling. his eyes widen he was trying to process everything i just said. "wait and you didn't tell me because hinata has been acting strange lately i could have done something about it we are close friends to you know"sasuke said. "what it was a best friend issue" i said shrugging. "W-WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT I'M IN LOVE WITH HINATA I WENT WITH SAKURA TO MAKE HINTA JEALOUS" naruto yelled. "wait you've been in love with hinata this long and you just let her suffer you stupid uzumaki" i said. "i'm sorry but i can fix it after school" naruto said. "and we will help" i said smiling. "we will" sasuke said shocked. "you will" naruto asked happy. "we will" i said confirming it. "do i get a say in this" sasuke asked me. "no" i said. "but that's not fair" sasuke said pouting. "well me carrying this baby for nine months isn't fair" i said smirking at him knowing i won. he sighed "fine you win" he said. we all laughed then we arrived at school. naruto got out and and grabbed my bag while sasuke carried me. when we got inside the school i heard gasp and whispers. i was so emmbaressed. "it's alright" sasuke said. i nodded letting him know i understand. after a few minutes i heard sasuke open a class room door. i sighed and lifted my head up. i saw all my friends and they smiled at me i knew then that everyone would be good support for me so i didn't have to worry. "well what's going on i didn't know I was getting a new student" kakashi said. I giggled "I'm not new" I said. he looked confused I just handed him the letter my father told me two. "oh now I understand well it's good to have you back hanako" kakashi sensi said. I nodded then sasuke walked and put me in my desk and Naruto handed me my supplies then class started. I had the best day ever.


sasuke put me in the car then him and Naruto got and we headed to my house. we went in my room "okay time to start plan get together" I said. I called hinata and told her to come over. after about 20 minutes she came and entered my room. sasuke shut and locked the door so she wouldn't escape. "um.... what's going on" hinata said she looked at me then sasuke and when she looked at Naruto she blushed red as a rose. "well hinata Naruto has something he wants to tell you" I said. she looked at Naruto with a confused look. he stood up and walked infront of her "hinata I'm....I'm sorry" Naruto said. she was shocked by what she was hearing "for...for what" she asked confused. Naruto took a deep breath "for not telling I love you sooner" Naruto said. she was shocked at what she just heard she was blushing redder then gaara's hair. "but I.....I thought you liked sakura" hinata said. "I did a long time ago but then I woke up and realized there was something greater sitting right in front of me... and I'm sorry if I hurt you I only went with sakura to make you jealous" Naruto said. "I.....I...I love you too Naruto with all my heart I always have and always will" hinata said crying happy tears. "why are you crying" Naruto asked. "because I never thought that my dream would come true" hinata said. Naruto smiled then kissed her ince they broke away I started clapping "now my brother and best friend are dating that means double dates" I said smiling at them. they both blushed I unlocked my door and pushed them out except sasuke "you guys can talk more in Naruto's room hinata you know were it is my part is done" I said and closed the door. "you are a matchmaker" sasuke said. I smiled then kissed him "I know" I said. we then crawled into bed and we went to sleep this is officially one of my best days ever.

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now