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#two weeks later#

       I woke up very excited because today I meet my brother. I got up put on my Orange Minnie skirt and an orange dress shirt I put on my Orange flats and grabbed my bag. I looked in the mirror "the first day at school as Hanako Namikaze Uzumaki let’s see how this day goes" I said then walked downstairs I heard the doorbell ring I answered it to see Sasuke. "Well don't you look lovely" Sasuke said I rolled my eyes "Let’s just go" I said. The real me is bossy spoiled and straight up also not scared of no one I’m also a great fighter and love animals I also have a soft spot for kids. "I have to get use to the real you" Sasuke said. I smiled and we headed to school. "So how do you think everyone will act when they see you" he asked. I shrugged "I really don’t know everyone has their own opinions but if I had to say I would say they would probably act like I'm not a big deal "I said. He laughed “yeah right” he said but I ignored him. When we arrived at the front door to school I froze. "What's wrong baby" Sasuke asked "I don't think I can do it" I said. He sighed then he hugged me "you'll be fine" he said then kissed me I nodded “your right” I said then we walked in. We were walking down the hallway I heard people whispering about us. Half way to class I heard Naruto yell "Hey teme" me and Sasuke stopped walking and looked at Naruto who was running up to us "you ready" Sasuke asked. I nodded "here we go" I said as Naruto stopped in front of us followed by Kiba, Neji, Gaara, Lee, and Shikamaru I knew their names because Sasuke showed me pictures of them and told me there names. "Hey Sasuke who's the hot chick" Kiba asked looking at me in a perverted way. I got creeped out and hid my face in Sasuke chest even though I’m tough perverted guys scare me they remind me of how boys use to treat me. "Wait a minute Sasuke I thought you went with Lovina" Naruto said confused. I lifted my head and turned around. "I do" Sasuke said. "Then why are you all hugged up with this girl like she is your women" Naruto said. "Sasuke I really do think he is a really cute loser" I said smirking. "Hey shut up lady who do you think you are Sasuke you’re just going to let her talk to me like that" Naruto yelled. I giggled. "Naruto don’t yell at her and babe that was rude" Sasuke said folding his arms. I sighed and pouted a little "sorry Naruto" I said rolling my eyes. "Wait she sounds a lot like Lovina" Kiba said. "Idiots this is Lovina" Sasuke said. "WHAT" all the boys yelled. "No way Lovina had brown hair and brown eyes and was never this cocky and mean" Naruto said kind of pouting because he is still mad I called him a loser. I smirked at his comment. "Naruto remember when Lovina wrote that note saying remember the real her and not the fake her" Sasuke said slowly for Naruto to understand. Naruto nodded telling him to continue "well this is what she meant by the real her that other was the fake her she was in a disguise" Sasuke said in a duh voice "oh so this is the real Lovina" Naruto said. "Well I like what I see" Kiba said looking me up and down and smiling creepy. "May I add that my name is really Hanako and I'm also Sasuke girlfriend" I said glaring at Kiba. He shivered under my gaze because I can be really scary at times. "She is also one of yall little sister" Sasuke said. "WHAT" they all yelled with shocked faces. I was so happy and scared that I was shaking ‘this is it I can do this’ I thought Sasuke could tell I was happy. "Go head babe I know you want to hug your big brother" Sasuke said smiling. I nodded then ran and hugged Naruto "big brother" I said. Finally I can feel his love and warmth how I missed him. 



                         #NARUTO P.O.V.#

     We stood there waiting to see who her big brother was when she ran and hugged me. "Big brother" She said I was in shock at first but then I hugged back. "Ummm.... So you’re my little sister" I said kind of not believing this. "Yeah my whole name is Hanako Namikaze Uzumaki ya know" She said. She said ya know I always say that when I'm being shy or excited ya know. "I have a sister" I said excitingly. She let go of me and stood next to Sasuke. "Wow I can't believe Naruto has a sister" Kiba said "well you better believe it dog boy" Hanako said to Kiba while smirking. "Hey you take that back you orange headed nerd" Kiba said. "I'd rather be an orange headed nerd then a perverted dog" She said everyone laughed but Kiba "you little" Kiba said trying to hit her but me and Sasuke stood in front of her "don't you dare" me and Sasuke said together. Hanako laughed then stuck up the middle finger at Kiba. Then the bell rung signaling First period. "Well I'll see you after class Naruto" she said smiling. "Okay Hanako" I said. She and Sasuke started walking away but they stopped and turned around. "Oh and Naruto father wants us to meet him in his office after school" she said "wait who is our father" I said confused and also curious. "Oh I forgot you don't know silly me it's the fourth Hokage Silly" She said. "What" every one of us yelled except for Sasuke and Hanako. "Wait you’re the fourths daughter" Kiba asked.  She smirked “Yeah do you have a problem" she asked. "No and I'm sorry for what I said earlier" Kiba said apologizing fast. "You better be" Hanako said then her and Sasuke left. Wow I actually have a family this is great I think I actually like school today. 

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now