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It's been 1 month since me and sasuke have been engaged and moved into our mansion and just like both my moms said i loved it when we stepped into the house on the first day i started crying because it was just so beautiful. "SASUKE WHERE'S MY ICE CREAM" I yelled. He then ran in the room with my ice cream whip cream, chocolate syrup and a spoon. "Here you go" he said handing it to me. I grabbed it and started eating while watching pretty little liars. While I was eating I got a Sharp pain in my stomach. "Ow" I said making sasuke jump up in worry. "Baby are you alright" sasuke said worried. "Yeah" I said but then I felt a wet substance under me and that's when I realized it. "Oh shit my water just broke... THE BABY'S ARE COMING" I yelled. "WHAT" sasuke yelled panicking. he lifted me up and drove me to the hospital. when we got there we were put straight into a room. I was screaming in pain while squeezing sasuke's hand "I hope this hurts because after this I'm going to kill you....ahhhh" I yelled in pain while squeezing his hand harder. sasuke chuckle nervously at my threat a little scared. after a while all my friends and family were in the waiting room waiting. after 8 hours of pushing and yelling I had three adorable children... wait three i was suppose to have two i think i owe my mom an apology.she told me last month i was going to have three kids by how big my belly was but i didn't believe her i kinda yelled at her but i feel bad now. once they handed me my babies i was overjoyed with happiness. i smiled weakly because i was so tired. "their so beautiful" i said. "i know" sasuke said. "what should we name them" i said. we had 2 girls and a boy. "um let's see... we can name the boy saskin" sasuke said. i smiled "i like it now what about the girls" i said thinking hard about it. "hmm...i have no idea how to name a girl i was thinking of tomato and pinkie" sasuke said shrugging. i laughed at him "yeah i think i will name them" i said. he chuckled "yeah you do that" he said. i thought about it then it hit me i snapped my fingers "i know we can name the one with orange hair orina and the one with black hair sasrina" i said smiling. he smiled "i love it" he said. then my family and friends walked in and stood around the bed even sakura was there. we became friends after she apologized. "their beautiful" both my moms and hinata said said. i smiled at them. "do you want to hold them" i asked them three. they nodded i handed saskin to kushina and orina to mikoto and sasrina to hinata. "what's there names"tenten asked. "the boy is saskin the girl with orange hair is orina and the one with black hair is sasrina" i said pointing to each of them. "those are some cool names how did you come up with those cool unique names" tenten said. "Well saskin is a part of my name and i just added kin to it so it could be different" sasuke said. "And for orina I combined my old name lovina and just put an o on it sound more cute and for sasrina i combined sasuke and lovina since that's who i met sasuke as and i came up with sasrina" I said smiling. "Sweet those are so original imouto" naruto said. " Kansha" i said. i smiled then closed my eyes. i then felt someone kiss me i kissed back because i knew it was sasuke. "get some sleep baby" sasuke said. i sighed and relaxed then nodded and drifted off to sleep. and dreamed about my new born children and my amazing family i'm truly blessed this is so the best day ever i don't think i will ever be able to choose a best day ever.  

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now