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  (STILL SASUKE P.O.V)         
                               *TIME SKIP TO 5 HOURS LATER* 

                                                     it's been five hours since we left the village looking for Lovina but we still haven’t found her yet. I was about to give up hope and go back home but then I saw something or someone sitting on the ground leaning against a tree. When I got closer I saw that it was Lovina. Once I got closer to her she turned and when she saw me she looked mad and shocked she jumped up grabbed her backpack and through the peace sign and start running. I smirked I always knew she was feisty.

                                                          *Lovina P.O.V.*

                                I was leaning against a tree and relaxing when all of a sudden I felt a presence coming toward me I looked up to see Sasuke and that blonde from before. What are they doing here I thought I said not to come after me are they stupid or what. I jumped up grabbed my backpack and threw up the peace sign then start running. There is no way I'm going back there is nothing left for me in Kohna. Maybe I can go to Suna and start over find a new love.... yeah not going to happen about the love part but hey you never know. After about an hour and a half I stopped running cause I can’t run anymore I'm tired. I looked behind me and smiled "Haha I lost him" I said then turned around to start running again. But I turned around to continue walking but I turned around to see onyx eyes 'there so sexy I can bad Lovina stay focused'  I thought to myself. "S-SASUKE" I said shocked to see him I thought I lost him in the run. "I finally found you" Sasuke said smirking at me. "why....why were you even looking for me I don’t mean anything to you I don’t mean anything to anyone I’m nothing to you but your little beating toy no one cares for me but my mom and I'm sure she understands she loves me" I said he shook his head no " you are so confused I love you I care about you I have since I first saw you and I always have I wouldn't be out here chasing after you if I didn't love you" Sasuke said. I was shocked he loves me but then why did he do all those things to hurt me is he lying to save his ass or what I'm so confused right now. "NO.... y-your lying you don't love me because if you loved me then you would have never did all those things to hurt me like you did that's not love that's hate you hate me and you know it" I said crying. but then I felt something warm wrap around my waist I looked up to see it was Sasuke I didn't care at the moment I just needed to cry to finally let it all out I stood there and cried into his chest I just cried and cried all the pain I felt I just stood there and cried it all out. After a while I let go of the hug and whipped my face. " Lovina listen...I'm sorry I didn't know I was hurting I just did those things to get your attention I do love you with all my heart I love you more then I love my family you’re the only reason I haven't gone crazy I wake up every morning know I'll get to see your pretty face you have to believe me Lovina I Sasuke Uchiha love you" Sasuke said I was shocked he loves me I think but how can I be sure I guess I will just go with until I know for sure. I smiled "I-I love you to Sasuke" I said he smirked then walked up to me and I blushed and looked at the ground but he put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up and then he did the most unexpected thing.........he kissed me I was shocked but I kissed back. After a minute I felt it... I felt the love the pleasure coming from Sasuke all the love from this kiss melted all my loneliness and hate away. It all went away in this one kiss the kiss that saved my life the kiss that helped me the kiss of love. When he broke away I was blushing darker then a rose "so Lovina will you come back to the village and be my girlfriend" Sasuke said. I nodded "I would love to" I said with the widest smile ever. He grabbed my hand and we start walking back home "so Lovina what is your real identity you were talking about in your first letter I still want to know" Sasuke said. "Man your nosy I don't want to tell you that yet we did just get together like 3 minutes ago" I said. He whined he made it look so cute. "But it's not good to keep secrets from your boyfriend and future fiancé plus think of it as more bonding" Sasuke said making me blush I have to get use to that. "Well umm.... how about this Sunday since I’m free then so yeah I guess I'll tell you then okay" I said smiling. "Promise he said I kissed his cheek "I promise" I said." Good" he said and put his arm around my waist. I smiled "by the way what's today" I said he smirked " Friday why" Sasuke said "oh come on I thought it was at least Tuesday I didn't want to tell you so soon... can I um change the date please" I said he smiled "nope you promised me Sunday so that's it" Sasuke said I sighed "your so mean" I whined he laughed then after a few hours we finally made it to my house I froze in front of the door I was upset I can't believe I did this to my mom she must hate me I thought. I took a deep breath then opened the door. "Mom" I said as we walked in closed my eyes so I wouldn't see her angry face. I heard a gasp then I felt someone hug me I opened my eyes to see my mom crying "oh my god your home I was so worried I'm so glad your safe thank you Sasuke for bringing my baby home I owe you one" my mom said Sasuke blushed. "I-it was no problem" Sasuke said. We talked about how to handle the problems at school and how I had to promise to not do anything to hurt myself and also not to pull something this stupid ever again in the history of life or they will both lock me in the basement. I told my mom about how I'm going to tell Sasuke my secret she said it was okay but I could only tell him no one else I agreed and then Sasuke left after dinner and I went to bed and actually had a good night sleep. While I was in the middle of my amazing dream but I won’t get into detail about it but I then realized something. I sat up in my bed and grabbed my phone I quickly dialed Sasuke’s number he answered after the first ring. He is so serious when he said he is only one call away “Babe it’s 3:00am what’s the matter” he said you could tell by his voice that he was sleep. “Well what happened to that blonde that was with you earlier in the woods” I asked. “Oh him after you ran we split up to find you and then we….. Oh crap he is still in the woods I think” he said. “How did you forget about your best friend” I asked him. “Well you can’t blame me I was too busy trying to catch you it slipped my mind” Sasuke said I sighed. “So it’s my fault” I said feeling guilty. “No that’s not what I meant” he said panicking on the phone. “We haven’t even been together for a day and I already messed” I said about to cry. “No please don’t cry I love you and It’s not your fault it’s mine for not paying attention I’ll call him on three way and we can see if he is okay” Sasuke said. “Okay” I said I heard him on the phone dialing a number after about two rings someone answered. “Yo teme were you at” Sasuke said. “JUST GOT BACK TO THE VILLAGE WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU AND WERE THE HELL ARE YOU” the blonde said man he was angry but I would be to if my best friend left me in the woods. “Well I found Lovina and fixed everything with her and then we left and I had dinner at her house then I came home” Sasuke said. “Oh then everything is fine” the blonde said but I could tell he was being sarcastic. “Really” Sasuke said sounding surprised. “HELL NO YOU FUCKING LEFT ME IN THE WOODS AND DIDN’T EVEN CALL I HAD TO FIND MY WAY BACK YOU BASTARD” the blonde yelled man he was pissed. “I said sorry damn calm down I will by you ramen tomorrow” Sasuke said. “Fine oh and by the way I see the call is on three way who else is on the phone” blonde asked confused. “Oh just my girlfriend” Sasuke said I blushed he said it so casually. “GIRLFRIEND WHO HELLO SAY SOMETHING I HAVE TO KNOW WHO YOU ARE” blonde said man he is loud it hurt my ears. “Babe say hi” Sasuke said you could hear the smirk in his voice. “H-hi” I said. There was a pause for a while then blonde yelled “Lovina is that you” he sounded shocked beyond belief. “Y-yes it’s me” I said. “Sasuke when did you to start dating” blonde asked. “I told you I fixed everything with her” Sasuke said. “I know you said that but I didn’t think you meant dating” blonde said I giggled because he is funny. “Well that’s what I meant” Sasuke said. “Well Lovina” blonde said. “Yes” I said confused. “I’m glad you’re okay” blonde said. I blushed I couldn’t help it I mean if you really listen to his voice when he is calm he sounds so sexy and seductive “Th-thanks” I said. “Babe why are you stuttering” Sasuke said. “No reason” I said. “I can tell when you’re lying” Sasuke said. “Fine it’s just…. Um you won’t get mad” I asked. “No promise” Sasuke said. “Okay it’s just when he talked so calm his voice… it was so sexy and seductive it kind of surprised me that’s all” I said. “Really” blonde said. “y-yeah see you did it again” I said. “Well thanks” he said. “h-hey now you’re doing this on purpose” I said. He started laughing “Okay I’m done but thanks” he said while laughing. “Dobe you’re so dead” Sasuke said he sounded like he was going to murder him. “So are you for leaving me in the woods actually I’m already at your door for pay back” blonde said. “Bring it then” Sasuke said. You then heard blonde open Sasuke’s front door then he was talking to someone who I didn’t recognize “sup Itachi” blonde said. “Hello um why do you have a bat” the guy I guess is Itachi said. “Oh just came to kill your brother for leaving me in the woods till 3am” blonde said. “Oh yeah I heard about the Lovina girl well I’m glad she is happy and okay” Itachi said. “Why don’t you tell her that and say hi to” blonde said. “What do you mean” Itachi said. “Oh she is on three way with me and Sasuke” blonde said. “Oh” Itachi said. “here catch you to talk get to know each other you might become brother and sister some day since her and Sasuke are together now I’m pretty sure he is going to marry her one day so bond while I go kill your brother” blonde said and I guess he threw him the phone. “I’m ready dobe” Sasuke said over the phone. “Um hello” Itachi said you could tell he was confused. “Hello” I said I mean what am I supposed to say to someone I just met over the phone. “So um you’re dating my little brother” Itachi asked. Then there was yelling and screaming on the other end of the line but we decided to ignore it. “Um yes” I said. “Well I’m glad your both okay and happy” Itachi said man he is such a gentleman I bet he is super-hot maybe I can trade Sasuke for Itachi. Just kidding I wouldn’t trade Sasuke for anything “Thanks so I’m guess you’re the calm nice sibling” I said. He chuckled “Yeah I guess you could say that” He said. I giggled we just met and not even in person and we are already friends “You are a very nice person I wonder if Sasuke will ever let me meet you I would like to hang out with you sometimes” I said smiling. “Yeah that would be great” he said. “THAT’S NEVER HAPPENING” Sasuke yelled through his end of the phone. “Why not” I asked almost pouting. “He is just mad that you will like me better than him isn’t that right little brother” Itachi said you could hear the smirk in his voice. “NO” Sasuke said. “You two are funny hey what happened to your friend” I asked. “Oh I knocked him out he is sleeping over for the night” Sasuke said like this kind of stuff happens every day. “Your lucky mom and dad are on a business trip or you would have been dead” Itachi said. “Shut it Itachi” Sasuke said. “Whatever anyway Lovina when should we meet up” Itachi said. “Hmmm maybe Tuesday afternoon” I said. “WHAT DIDN’T I JUST SAY NO” Sasuke yelled. “Fine we won’t meet up” I said but I didn’t mean it I texted the number which is blonde phone that Itachi has and told him that we just need to get Sasuke to hang up he texted back okay. “Are you for real” Sasuke asked. “Yeah you win little brother we won’t meet until you say so” Itachi said. “Good now it’s getting late we should sleep now” Sasuke said. “Okay your right” I said. “Yeah I’m pretty tired to” Itachi said. “Alright night babe” Sasuke said. “Night” I said he then hung up and I started laughing that was to easy. “That worked perfectly” Itachi said you could tell he was smirking. “Yeah so Tuesday at the dango shop at 4:00pm” I said. “Yep sounds good to me can’t wait to meet the girl that stole my baby brother’s heart” Itachi said. “I can’t wait to meet the brother who can make Sasuke angry with a couple of words” I said. “Well see you then good night Lovina” Itachi said yarning. “Yeah good night see you then” I said yarning also. “Bye” We said in unison then hung up. Well that was crazy now I have plans with Sasuke’s older brother. Well I’m tired tomorrow’s another day so good night.

THE KISS (sasuke love story) UPDATED VERSION Where stories live. Discover now