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Harry's foot tapped up and down as he waited for Bella to walk through the Fat Lady's portrait

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Harry's foot tapped up and down as he waited for Bella to walk through the Fat Lady's portrait. Today had been another bad day as she was constantly in and out of daydreaming and being on the verge of tears. Harry heard footsteps and turned instantly towards the opening and saw Bella's blonde hair whip out of her face at the breeze. 

"Hey." Harry started but stopped catching a glimpse of her apperance. She had bags under her eyes, a red nose, her arms weak as she held her books. 

"Bell." He said before she dropped her books on the couch and wrapped her arms around him. He took in this moment, her breathing came out rapid as she started to cry. He rubbed her back softly. He had no idea why she was crying and where she had come from.

A few seconds later, she let go sniffling and wiping her under eyes with her sweater sleeves. Which he could see blood stains in her white long sleeves shirt. 

"Are you alright?" He asked as she put some hair behind her ear. "I guess im alright for the night." She said flatly. "I was  just um- with Madame Pomfrey and McGonagall." She said. "I could tell you were curious." She said finally smiling. The smile which Harry adored. 

"Did you speak to Sirius?" She asked looking at the fire. He was taken back but replied, "Ya, but Umbridge I think found out." He said and she nodded. 

"Well im very tired, so I'll see you tomorrow Harry." Bella smiled before walking up to the girls dormitories. 

But Harry and the others had not seen her the next day, nor had they seen McGonagall very much. 

"I do hope she is alright." Hermione said the following evening. They were all walking towards the hall after a long day of classes. Ron was busy muttering to himself as to what he would be eating for dinner, as Eric and Becca caught up with them.

"Heard from Bella?" Harry asked and she nodded. "She's been in the hospital wing all day. I went there to get some medicine for my migraine and I saw her." Becca said as Eric nodded. "I went with her and Bella did not seem thrilled that we found her." He added.

"Did she look sick?" Hermione asked and they shook their heads no.

Dinner that evening, was slow and uneventful as they were all tried from the day and no sarcastic comments were made from Bella- whom they deeply missed.

"Should we even be going?" Hermione asked Ron and Harry as they walked towards the hospital wing.

"Who cares?" Ron said as Harry looked concentrated on getting to the hospital wing quickly.

"What was weird that Draco had kept looking over at our table I guess looking for her." Hermione said. 

That was all that was said as they finally reached the hospital.

Bella had been reading her book as McGonagall walked past the trio. Bella had not said anything to her during the multiple times she visited her that day. 

"Bella." Hermione said jogging up to her side as the other two walked cautiously over.

"She's not contagious." Hermione scolded them. They both sat down at the foot of her bed as she finally closed her book.

"Hi guys." She said cooly putting her book on the side table.

"What's up? We didn't see you all day." Hermione said.

"Welp, i've been here much to my dismay." She replied eyeing Madame Pomfrey out of her eye. 

"Harry, what did Snuggles say last night?" She whispered to Harry. "Told me it's nothing to worry about." He said and she nodded.  

"I've brought all your homework." Hermione said opening her bag as Bella yanwed.  

"Thanks Mione." She smiled before Madame Pomfrey came in telling them it was time to go.

Once the three of them left, she came close to me and took my water cup to refill.

"My dear, if you don't go back to classes by Thursday Dumbeldore will be sending you to St.Mungos." She said giving Bella a sad smile.

Bella had been growing rapidly sadder as the school year went on and worried she'd have to leave Hogwarts- her home, second to the Burrow.

From the taunts and hexes from Draco and his crew- she great rapidly scared now. Her anxiety from her mother getting the best of her.

She would need to turn her sadness into courage- better yet the thing her family strived for. Evilness.


Hope you all enjoyed xx

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