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Harry waited outside of the Willow to see if Bella would show up out of nowhere

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Harry waited outside of the Willow to see if Bella would show up out of nowhere. She wouldn't be coming back anytime soon, and that he did not know.

Bella on the other hand could never be busier. She was in and out of her mothers room getting her anything she needed or wanted. Narcissa was in fact sick and had no signs of getting any better soon.

Bella had made it clear to her family, she was only their for her mother no one else. Voldemort could of care less though, he made every chance he got to send chills down her spine.

She spent the remaining nights staring out of her mothers bedroom window thinking of what Harry could possibly be doing.

Just like her, he was falling apart out with eachother. They had been together for so long and now they weren't. Bella knew she was betraying everyone's trust and knew it hurt them. Honestly, her mum was more important to her at the moment.

Ever since she was kicked out, Narcissa had sent letters and gifts to her daughter whenever she could. She always said she didn't know whom they were from but she was protecting her mother.

Harry stared at the moon still waiting for Bella to walk up to the Willow. It had been a week and they were going back to school tomorrow.

Would he even see her? Would he ever see her again?

Bella peered outside the open window, took out her wand, thought of her and Harry's first kiss- the happiest she'd been in years and spoke Expecto Patroneum and her butterfly soared through the night sky. It died halfway through the moment. Her butterfly had broken up, her heart had broken.

She had no happiness anymore.

She was scared that she would be trapped here forever taking care of her mother.

Never seeing Harry again.

She made this choice, but part of her was regretting it.

Part of her wished Harry had obliviated her mind so she no longer had to deal with all of this.


I hope you all enjoyed xx


I hope you all enjoyed

End of Barry?

Stay tuned to find out

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