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Bella looked down nervously at the letter the owl had just given her

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Bella looked down nervously at the letter the owl had just given her. Everyone had began to look at her as she grew quiet, Harry looked over her shoulder and began to worry.

"What is it sweetie?" Mrs. Weasley asked. Bella swallowed before answering, "It's my mum. She's sick." Bella said before sighing.

"Bella..." Harry trailed off before she shot up to leave the room. She walked outside torn between what to do. Becca who had gotten here yesterday came out after her.

"Bella, don't think of doing this. Please." She begged her best friend who was biting the inside of her cheek.

"She is my mother, what else should I think?" Bella roared as a gnome stopped doing it's job.

"Bella. They could be lying." Becca spoke cautiously. "What if their not, what if she is really sick?" Bella spoke. "Nothing matters more than my mother at this moment. Even if she can be a shitty one." Bella said starting to pace. "I don't know what matters anymore." She said looking at Becca.

"I believe you, that's all that matters." Becca said bringing Bella back to the present moment. She smiled at her. Harry had walked outside to see what was going on. Becca went back inside as Harry hugged her.

"Harry, what if she is really sick?" She asked him. "We will know today." He said and she nodded. They were going to Diagon Ally and they would most likely see Draco and her parents there.

"You ok?" He asked after a few moments and she nodded walking back inside with him.

Breakfast was over and they were getting changed to go to get the things they needed that year.

"Guys your O.W.L.S are here." Mrs. Weasly called.

Hermione had passed all of them with high a grade, Harry and Ron did good as well, Bella had passed all besides potions.

"Honestly, what else is expected?" Bella laughed as Harry gave her a kiss on her head,from behind.

"Let's get going." Mrs.Weasley got them into cars and they were on their way.

They made there way into the twins shop and they were all amazed.

"Our favorite people." Fred and George yelled towards Harry, Hermione and Bella. They didn't care for there sibilings.

Harry went off with the twins while Hermione and Bella looked at the candy.

Bella had kept her eye on Hagrid and to see if her father would be making his way across the street and she knew that was her cue. She went to go find Harry before she left. Hagrid had gotten distracted by a few people asking him a question outside.

"Bloody hell, Bell. You can't keep sneeking up on me" Harry jumped causing Bella give a sad smile.

"Sorry, I just wanted to give you a kiss." She said before kissing him. Fred and George 'oooed' like five year olds. Bella smiled once more at Harry before making her way outside. Ginny had distracted Hermione and she put her hood up to cover her hair.

Lucius saw his daughter appear from the tunnel to Knockturn Alley and she quickly jogged up to him so they could leave quickly. She took one last look at the Alley.

She grabbed his arm before he aparated them to the Manor.

Harry began his way back with Hermione and Ron. Bella was probably in the bathroom he thought.

Hagrid and the Weasleys were beginning to look around for them and they saw no sign of Bella with them.

They walked back in then walked out.

"We were in the back." They said walking out.

"Where's Bella?" Harry asked.

"We reckoned she was with 'ou." Hagrid said. Harry turned around to the twins saying they see no signs of her in the shop.

"Oh Merlin, this is not happening." Mrs.Weasly cried. Hermione grabbed Harry's hand as he began to look around like crazy.

"She's around here somewhere." Hermione promised.

She was nowhere to be found.


Hope you all enjoyed, only one chapter left xx

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