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Draco and Bella walked through the front doors of their home with there parents excited for the holidays. Bella had been greeted at the train station with open arms from there mother but her father was colder towards her then he had ever been.

Narcissa quickly grabbed her daughters hand and brought her out towards the stables where, Piper was waiting for her- her horse.

Bella ran towards Piper and greeted her with kisses and a huge hug. Her mother grabbed her horse and hopped on. Bella did the same, and soon they were off for their first ride of the summer.

Throughout the following week, Lucius still had not accepted her decision of accepting Gryfindor. Draco and Narcissa on the other hand, still didn't care any less. Narcissa loved her daughter and Draco loved his sister the way she was.

On a rainy night, Lucius and his daughter had been in the parlor painting a pass time they both enjoyed doing together.

"Your mother tells me that you enjoyed spending time with Eric this christmas. We missed you very much." He started. "It was a lot of fun, I'm sorry I couldn't join you guys." She replied taking in what she was painting.

"Your brother also tells me that you didn't try to ask for Slytherian." He said stopping and looking at his daughter. She continued on.

"Just like Draco, he was sorted to where he was meant to go." She said before Lucius grabbed Bella's wrist pulling her towards him.

"You were supposed to choose Slytherian!" He screamed at her. "Stop dad, you're scaring me." She said as scared tears escaped her. "Good!" He roared again making her shut her eyes.

He dragged her or threw her for that matter towards the parlor door. "Bed now!" He demanded and she quickly ran off towards her room.

Bella was scared and had no choice but to listen.

The following months he stopped talking to her, as if she was not there. One night not so much.

"Poppy, I can get it." Bella smiled standing up with her plate and walking it towards the kitchen.

"Bella, you will sit back down and allow Poppy to do her job." Lucius demanded. "Oh yes master, I work for you." Poppy said to Bella. "Be quiet you peasant." He yelled. Narcissa looked towards her husband with anger. Draco grew as small as he could.

Poppy had tears in her eyes, and that broke Bella's heart.

"Let me help." Bella hadn't cared about her father's words.

"I said NO!" Lucius said before pulling out his wand and hexed Bella. She fell flat on her back, the plates breaking and Narcissa screaming.

Draco ran over towards Bella as soon as it happened.

She had tears in her eyes and was frozen from the head down. "My baby girl." Narcissa said checking her daughters body.

"Dad, why?" Draco turned around on the ground to face Lucius who was looking at his daughter with distaste.

"Draco, upstairs now!" He demanded and Draco looked over at his mom to's face told him to not fight him.

Poppy cleaned up the plates as Dobby checked on Bella.

"Please take her up to her bed." Narcissa told Dobby who aparated the two up to her room.

"Lucius we never hurt a child!" She yelled at him. "I was putting her in her place. A little hex won't kill her." He replied sipping his wine.

"That's no excuse." She spat back before running to check on her daughter who was currently laying still in her bed with Dobby freaking out.

"You'll be okay, baby. I promise." She said kissing her daughters forehead before sitting down next to her bed.

Later that summer, her father had but a taboo curse on her. She was forced to show up whenever her name was said.

"This is wrong." Narcissa exclaimed over dinner one evening. "She wants to help the elves, she can be useful like one." He said as she cleaned up in the kitchen. Dobby and Poppy continuly made her life easier by forcing her to sit down and allow them to do everything.

"She's your daughter." Narcissa spoke again looking at Draco who looked mellow. After Lucius hexed her, Draco and her were not allowed to play anymore, talk really.

Bella remembers so vividly crying each and every night. Her father had forgotten about her. She was scared he wouldn't remember her again.

"You're never to come back to this place, until you've figure out that you are one of us." Lucius had spoken the morning of going back to Hogwarts. Draco swallowed hard and stared at Bella who had finally looked up from her hands this summer.

"Luciu-" Narcissa was cut off by her husband. "Narcissa, my word is final." Lucius said staring at his daughter who now knew how her family could really be.

"And like that I never wanted to go back, and I wish I hadn't." Bella spoke to Minerva who nodded.

"It was not your fault. You have a heart full of love and not evilness." Minerva said. "You must remember who you are in times of darkness." She continued kneeling in front of Bella who nodded.

"It will be importnant soon I promise." She added.

Bella made her way up towards lunch seeing her friends for the first time that day, as her and McGonnagal had spoken the whole morning in her office with coco and the fire like she promised.

She paused at the great hall doors to see where her friends were seated for the day.

Hermione had noticed and let the group know she was there. Harry and her had caught each others eyes and they both smiled widely before she walked over to her friends.

She was glad to have amazing friends.


hope you all enjoyed xx

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