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Hermione looked over at a shaken Bella who sat watching the fire

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Hermione looked over at a shaken Bella who sat watching the fire. "Did she say anything?" She asked Harry and he shook his head no. "Do you maybe wanna go see what's wrong?" She asked and he sighed before making his way over there.

"Bel." He said disrupting her thoughts. She looked up at him and faced him. "What's up?" She asked as he sat down. "Could ask you the same thing?" He said knowing that was not the right thing to ask. She shrugged. "Could be better." She murmured. "Want to go take a walk?" She asked and he nodded.

"Well for starters I hate them. which I am sure you could understand." She smiled at Harry as they walk down the changing stairs.

She explained the weekend to him as they walked out into the courtyard. "What arseholes." He said and she agreed. "I haven't spoken to Draco since and I do not plan to anytime soon." She said as they walked around and watched Fred and George play with things they were creating.

"They ignored, abused and cursed me that summer." She spoke before they let the moment pass.

"I can't believe it's there last year." She said and he nodded. "You coming tonight?" He asked and she nodded.

"Wouldn't miss it Potter." She grinned as a spark flew across their heads. The twins laughed.

"What the hell?!" She said walking up the to them as they laughed. They were about to get a piece of her mind.

Back at the Malfoy manor, Narcissa read her favorite book again. Lucius stood in front of the couch peering over the fire place.

"Please stop with this...this act." He said turning to face his wife. She stopped what she was doing and looked up. "This act?" she said with bitterness dripping.

"This act?" She said closing her book and standing up. "This act you say." She shook her head.

"You'll never be forgiven, you hurt her. Again." She spoke carefully. She put her book in the shelf and turned around to him.

"She's just a girl." She said a her husband looked at his rings. He laughed.

"Just a girl?" He said looking at Narcissa. "She doesn't act like one when she's at school." He said thinking about what Draco told him.

"And you believe it? You believe she would disrespect this family?" Narcissa yelled.

"She already has by not asking for Slytheran and hanging with muggle bloods and that Potter!" He roared back. "You're unbelievable! I can remember a time when you fancied a half blood. Don't deny it Lucius. She's just like me. Quiet and would never act out of line." Narcissa continued.

"And yet it's okay to yell at your sister." He chuckled walking around the room. "In which she deserved it." She spat back.

"Lucius, that's our little girl. She needs us. She needs you. Can't you see through the scaredness and bitterness that our girl needs us. More importantly you." She finally said. Lucius looked towards her.

"Didn't the house feel fuller again when she was here?" Narcissa asked as she knew her husbands feelings.

"You know deep down inside that Bella would never fit in with Slytherian. She would never be an evil person." She said going upstairs for an early night.

Lucius pushed his glass cup of rum off onto the floor. He didn't want the feeling of knowing Narcissa was right and that he did like that she was here.

He was too much of a coward to admit it.

Bella practiced Redundo with Hermione tonight in D.A meeting.

They all stood around a dummy later.  It was going in all directions for people to practice and then boom.

"Redundo." Bella spoke and it has blew up. She was stunned that she did it. Everyone smiled at her and cheered.

There was a slam against the wall behind her and she looked over her shoulder to nothing.

Again it was slammed, and the glass shook. Another time the glass shattered.

Harry walked cautiously up to it, but Bella grabbed his lower arm to slow him. Next thing you know, Umbridge's face was staring back at the group. Bella grabbed onto Harry's arm who was no blocking her view.

Umbridge smiled as she stared at the two.

"Goyle get that blonde." She said without bothering to ever know her name.

Umbridge was going to hurt someone tonight.


Hope you all enjoyed xx

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