epilogue iii

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ella walked towards the beach, she was currently living in italy. this was her hideaway during the war and she was now back for a more meaningful life. she felt the water beneath her toes, she took in the gorgeous sun and heat. something that was needed after a few days of rainy and cold weather. harry was here with her. he had come yesterday, reigniting their love for one another.

harry came up behind the smitten girl, and wrapped his arms around her. the sun was now setting and cascading the perfect color.

"where were you?" she said looking back towards harry. "i was somewhere, had a conversation and a heart to heart. " he said smiling. "hmm, what's that supposed to mean?" she asked raising an eyebrow turning around.

"well... i went to go see your dad." he admitted. "why?" she said feeling heated. "because i had to ask him something." he said.

harry went down on one knee, ella brought her hands to her mouth.

" i asked him for permission. to marry the love of my life." he said.

"ever since we last saw each other, i have done nothing but think about you. our future, the time we could have together." he spoke.

"ella malfoy, will you marry me?" he questioned.

she nodded her head up and down. "yes!" she screamed jumping up and down. he wrapped his arms around the blonde and twirled her around.

the sun, stars, earth, and moon were now alright.


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