epilogue iv

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ella walked up to his grave, as the rain poured on. today was the day, her father was being laid to rest.

he had been dying slowly for about two years, after being given some treatments. he was going to be missing out on her greatest adventure yet- motherhood. however, she was no longer sad. she felt a part of him with her. though, he treated her horribly. she had found forgiveness in her heart.

she knew that someday, her father would come around and he did. putting to rest everything he thought about her. same with draco.

draco walked behind her and they stood side by side. staring down at the man they once were afraid of, but now admired. in a twisted way, they would miss him. together they dropped down the white roses.

she now longed to see what the next day would bring. she no longer wanted to be obliviated.

she wanted love, peace, happiness, and the feeling of knowing- she was a good person.

a gif from this scene was also used in the cast chapter. tying the beginning and end together! i hope you enjoyed this story. xx

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