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A month had passed and now Bella would permantly staying with the Weasley's

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A month had passed and now Bella would permantly staying with the Weasley's. Harry had told the news to the trio and Bella had gave information she knew to Dumbledore and the rest of the Order. Things that could be used against Voldemort, she knew as a child.

Harry and Bella had the night planned out for them and they were both beyond excited. Hermione had been staying with them for a few days, so she lended her help to Bella with a dress and doing her makeup.

Eric and Becca had visited once after they left school, and would meet back up with them at the Willow. A place she adored with Harry.

Tonight, would be Harry's and Bella's first official date and boyfriend and girlfriend and Mrs. Weasley had made sure she gave them the burds and the bee's. Which they wouldn't explore that area for awhile.

Ron and Harry were joking as Harry got ready, his nerves growing. His scar burning- knowing Voldemort was either angry or really happy. On the top floor, Ginny, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley were helping get Bella into her dress.

"Beautiful." Mrs. Weasley said wiping a tear. "Oh, don't cry." Bella said before wrapping her arms around her second mum. Ginny and Hermione joined and all you could hear from the bottom floor was laughing.

Bella began to walk down the stairs and stopped to admire Harry. Harry was admiring her. She blushed looking down.

"There so cute, Ron. Get a girl already." Mrs. Weasley gushed. "Yeah, get a girl Ron." The twins said together making Ron shake his head and Hermione blush.

Bella walked up towards Harry and as he grabbed her hand her nerves had subsided.

"Well, have a nice night you two." Mr. Weasley said pulling his wife out of the way as she took a photo of the two.

"Have her back before eleven!" Mrs. Weasley shouted as they got into the Weasleys car. " I promise." He shouted back making Bella smile.

Harry pulled out of the Willow and they set down the long road towards a suburb of London to where they were eating at.

"So where are we going tonight?" Bella asked looking over at Harry.

"That's a surprise." He smiled at her. "Now I would grab your hand, but this is like my third time driving so im not very good at it." He said making her laugh,

"But don't you worry, Mr.Weasley has been teaching me." He said as they drove some more.

They soon arrived to the restaurant.

Harry had taken Bella to a French place, he knew she had always loved Parisian food.

"Harry, you shouldn't have." She said as she grabbed his hand, helping her out of the car.

"Only the best for my favorite girl." He said walking towards the outside area where he had reservations for.

"I still can't believe Hogwarts will still be open next year." Bella said as they ate their dinner. Bella had onion soup, Harry had Coq Au Vin.

"It'll be the safest place for us." He said brushing his thumb against her hands. She smiled and nodded.

"What are we gonna do about Draco?" She asked. "Nothing, we know he has joined Voldemort. We don't need to go around telling everyone thought but were not going to fight fire with fire." Harry spoke. Bella nodded.

"Who's watching us tonight?" Bella asked him. "Moody. He jumped at the oppurtunity to see me fail at our date." He said making Bella laugh.

"Let's hope you don't fail." She smirked. "Is that how it's going to be, huh?" He smirked back.

They were know walking down the old downtown eating icecream.

"I remember icecream was my favorite as a child. Draco and I would fight over who would get the last of the pint. Let's just say I always go it." Bella said finishing her cone.

Harry shook his head laughing.

"My girl is maniplative." He said stopping and pulling her towards him and giving her a little tickle on her side.

"Stop!" She said trying to get away from him, making him laugh more.

She finally allowed him to pull her in. He pulled the stray hair from her eyes and looked into them.

She blushed looking down.

"You are so beautiful, you know that?" Harry said. "So I have been told." She said half heartdly. She looked back into his eyes and Harry took this oppurtunity to kiss her.

She melted into his kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.

He dipped her back playfully and she laughed throwing her head back.

They made their way back to the car, after notifying Moody they were going back to the Willow.

"Thankyou for tonight, Harry. It was very nice." She said sitting with Harry in the car as they parked in front of the Willow.

"Ofcoarse. Anything for you." He said pulling her in for one last kiss before they headed inside. It was half past ten, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were waiting up for them.

"Good, you're back safely and just in time." She smiled hugging them.

"Well, im going to go to sleep now. Thankyou for waiting up." Bella smiled. "Thanks again for the car, im going to head up to." Harry said.

They walked up together and stopped in front of her door with Ginny.

"Thanks, again Harry." she smiled before giving him a peck on his cheek.

Harry and Bella had a nice night and they were hoping they would have a few more before school came and anything else for that matter.


Hope you all enjoyed xx

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