Chapter 18 : Missing..

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Jake's POV :

"WE are going to fucking find her! We need to. WHy isn't anyone doing anything???" I punched the wall. They wanted us at the police station, but I needed to be out, looking for her... I dropped the ball, one time, and someone takes her.

"Hey, man... You need to calm down. They're canvasing the city, right now. They are doing everything they can. Alright?" CC tried to calm me. "Do you think any of us like sitting around, waiting? We're all upset. She's your girl, yeah. But, she's also our friend. She's like a little fucking sister, to me. And I promise you, I am right up there with you in frustration. But, we need to try and let the police work. They said they would let us know if anything turns up. You are supposed to be here, in case of a ransom."

I knew he was right. He almost always was. Bastard. I collapsed in a chair, feeling useless.

They had us all in a smaller room, off of the bull pen. It was a sort of waiting room. There were couches, chairs, a coffee table with magazines, coffee, and snacks. I didn't want any of that. Or anything, for that matter. I didn't want to be stuck in this room. I wanted to be out there, looking for her. God knows what has happened to her... I shuttered at the thought. I had no idea what happened. All I do know is that I will kill whoever hurt her.

"Gentlemen." An man in uniform knocked on the doorframe. "There has been a development." The officer cleared his throat. "A group of men saw Gwen talking to a man. She left with him after, in their words, 'ditching her phone.' They got a good look at the man, and saw what direction they left in. We're following their lead, but that's all we have, so far."

"I need to be out there." I stood abruptly, staring the man down.

"Sir, you need to be here. If this is the same guy, which we are almost certain it is, he will be calling within the hour to negotiate a ransom. This time, it is extremely important that we have you here. We believe this all has been a build up to Gwen. He changed all of the girl's appearances to look like her. We need to tred lightly. This man... He's unstable. We tried to pull one over on him, and a girl lost four fingers, and almost lost her life. He left her in the park, stabbed 3 times. We barely got there in time..." The officer stared at the floor.

I sat back in my chair, staring at my cracked phone screen. "Come on, you bastard..." I tapped my foot, angrily. I felt like I had been there for hours.. I looked at the clock. It'd been 20 minutes. I was about to get up and walk away, when the phone lit up. "Guys.." I froze.

"Hey... Officer!..." CC ran out and got the man from before.

"Alright, Jake, we need you to answer and keep him on as long as you can. We're going to track his phone." He pointed, signaling me to answer.

"Hello?" My voice was caught in my dry throat.

"Mr. Pitts. Hah!" A voice laughed through the speaker. "How truly entertaining."

"Where is she." I spat.

"Straight to the point! Delightful. Gwen, darling." I heard a thud, some shuffling, and crying. "Would you like to talk to the nice man?"

"Gwen!" I yelled into the phone.

"J.. Jake?" Her voice was small and broken. "I'm... Okay." She didn't sound very sure, but I knew she was alive.

"Gwen... I'm so sorry. When I get you back, I will spend forever making this up to you..." There were so many feelings trying to burst out of me. But, I had to stay calm, for her sake.

"Jake, it's not your fau..."

"Well." He ripped the phone away from her. I heard her scream out to me in the background, but he talked over her. "How touching. No one said you were getting her back, however. Why would I get rid of her when I've only just found her, again..."

"What?..." He knew her.

"Yes. I used to live across the street from Gwen. She was always so kind to me. I've been in love with her for years." He talked slowly and clearly. "Now, her return is negotiable. But, it's going to cost you."

"Anything." There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. Not now. Not ever.

"$100,000 and her guitar," He said, coldly.

That's all? He just wants money and a guitar... "Deal. I want Gwen back."

"Tomorrow night. The same park where they found the last girl. 8 pm. On the dot." He hung up the phone.

"No!" I screamed into the device.

"We almost got it." The officer sighed. "Two block radius. We almost had it." He walked out of the room...

"Jake..." CC and the guys walked over, standing hesitently. "What are you thinking, man..."

"I'm thinking, we need to get the money and get ready. When this guy shows up tomorrow night, he's going to regret taking one of us." I got up and left the room. I ignored all protest from the officers as we left. The whole thing felt like slow motion. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. My emotions turned cold, as I formulated a plan. When we got to the bus, I filled in everyone on my plan. Gwen's band Psyched had been waiting there for us. Alex was crying and freaking out. She calmed when we discussed what was going to happen.

We pooled together some money and put it in an empty guitar case.

None of us slept that night. No one really talked, either. Everyone was nervous, and everyone was scared we would never see Gwen again.

Gwen's POV :

He hung up the phone, turning slowly towards me.

"We've got a whole night together, now..." The man's lips curled up into a smile.

I stared at the floor. I could handle this...

"You look just as beautiful as when I first saw you. I knew I couldn't have you forever. But, I always told myself I would get to spend just one night with you. And now, here we are..." He poored two glasses of wine, offering me one while he sipped out of the other. I took it hestitantly.
"Well, go on," he insisted, staring at me until I took a drink. "Good." He smiled again.

"Why just one night?" Not that I wanted him to keep me longer. But, what the hell? Why wait so long just to spend one night with me?

"Because. I mean, you should know this by now, seeing as Trevor reinforced it in your head everyday." He leaned in. "You might be special, but you're only worth one night." He spat, coldly. "Now, drink up." He pushed the glass to my lips, moving in closer.

I abided, terrified of what he would do if I disobeyed. My natural instincts must have kicked in. My life... Is so great... I sighed.

All of a sudden, my eye lids grew heavy. "What.. was.."

"Shhh..." He pressed a finger against my lips, gently. "Just lay back. You'll be fine."

I couldn't move a muscle. I just lay there, in the bed, fighing off sleep. The last thing I remembered was watching him unbotton my pants... 

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