Knock, Knock! (Completed!)

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SUP!!!! I noticed that I completely forgot about Kumawhatsit, and Gilbird has like a three word scene in one chapter. So I'm going to be editing the crap outa this thing, and I will put whether the part is done being edited or not in the name. EX: "Knock, Knock! (Not Completed!)" is right now, but one it's done, it will be changed to "Knock, Knock! (Completed!)". 

Now, please be patient with me. This is going to take a long time, and I may or may not just unpublish the whole book while I'm working on it. I will do the best job I can, and hopefully it's way better than it already was!

Gilbert (Prussia)

I get off the airplane and walk down to the desk, grabbing Gilbird's little birdie cage on the way there. "Excuse me! Where can mien awesomeness find a taxi?" The girl looks at me like I'm crazy. Not awesome, girl. Not awesome at all. I ask her the question again and she rolls her eyes before calling up one. "Danke, girl," I thank her before heading out to catch it.

The taxi driver looks at me as I get in, and he looks bored as hell. I give him Mattie's address and I get another eye roll before he begins slowly driving. "Hey, speed up, will you? I need to get there before the hockey game starts!"

"The hockey game was last night, loser," the driver offends me.


He steps on the gas pedal rather hard, steering us out of the airport and onto the road, and I sit back comfortably. "Viel besser, Danke." I successfully used my awesomeness to scare the driver into going twenty over the speed limit. I let Gilbird out of his cage and he flies around my head as best he can.

When we arrive at mien Birdie's house, I toss a few Canadian Dollars at him and exit the car. I sling my bag over my shoulder all awesome like as he drives away, Gilbird still flying around my face. I walk up the sidewalk to Mattie's door and knock, then wait impatiently for him to open the door. Gilbird is starting to get annoying, always flying around my awesome head.

I'm about to swat him away when the door opens and mien Birdie is standing there in his awesome red hoodie. I remember him telling me it was his favorite. He's wearing a pair of gray tennis shoes, and his curl is sticking straight out like always. His polar bear Kumajiro, is sitting at his feet with an angry expression on his face. I've learned not to mess with either the bear or the curl. I got smacked for tugging on the curl, and clawed for trying to help give Kuma a bath.

I still feel those scratches.

But I don't really care about that anymore. Zhe Awesome Me discovered Mattie has an adorable laugh soon after. He's so adorable when he's trying not to laugh. Just like right now. So adorable. I bet he doesn't even notice.

I turn to him instead of swatting at the slightly pestering bird. A smile lights up Matthew's whole face as he says, "Hey, Gil. What's up?"

Matthew (Canada)

I turn on the TV while I wait for Gilbert to get here, trying to find the hockey channel. Kumanagi, my polar bear, rubs up against my legs, saying something about food. I remind him that I just fed him like an hour ago and he ignores me. Something I really enjoy about Gil staying over is because we can watch reruns of any hockey games he missed, and we're both very loud about cheering on the players. I find the channel just as there's a knock on my door.

I get up and straiten my favorite hoodie, the red one, before going to answer the door. I trip over Kumachino and nearly fall to my face, but manage to catch myself before I do. I open the door and smile, taking in the view of my best friend ever, Gilbert. He's sitting there with his duffel bag thrown over his shoulder like he hasn't a care in the world, wearing his favorite grey hoodie and red tennis shoes. I can tell that he's as excited as I am, despite his cool. We haven't had the chance to do this kind of stuff since that one incident with the Pictonian aliens.

"Hey, Gil. What's up?" I continue to stand in the doorway, blocking his way in. I want to see if I can keep him out of the house for more than two seconds when I tell him this.

"Oh, nothing more then my complete awesomeness. How about you, Birdie?"

"I found a rerun of the hockey game from last night." I brace myself. Wait for it...

He barges past me into the living room, muttering a sorry, and throws himself down on my couch, and I end up on my butt on the floor. Kumawhatsit climbs into my lap and I throw him off, getting up and closing the door. Gil looks over at me. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

I smile again and go sit on the couch next to him. "Let's watch some hockey."

"Don't you dare spoil what happens, Birdie. I'll stuff you and your bear."

"I won't spoil the game, Gilbert," I laugh. "I know better than to do that."

"I know you do, I was just playing."

I press play and we watch our hockey game. As we scream and yell at the TV, I realize how much I missed doing this. This trip is going to be the best. I can tell.

PruCan ~ Northern Addition (Book 1) UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now