A Walk in Toronto (Completed!)

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I'm starting to get the hang of this edit thing. What do you guys think so far? I think it's going pretty well, but I want to ask PruCan fans about this. You guys have a say in the world, too!


We had gone to bed late last night, staying up until almost two am talking about what all has been going on since those pictonian aliens messed around with us all. But now we are up again, and Matt wants to go for a walk in Toronto, one of his greatest cities. It's probably not as awesome as some of my cities were before my country was dissolved, but it could still be cool.

He leaves Kumajiro at home. Gilbird only goes because he and Kuma don't exactly get along all the well when neither of their countries are near.

We sight see pretty much all day, visiting the CN Tower, which has always interested me. How can they fit a restaurant in a tall, skinny tower? We end up eating lunch there, and the way the tower moves as you eat is very strange, and a little frightening. But of course the awesome me would never admit something like that!

After lunch, Matt takes me to a street market going on this week. All around us I see people shopping in the street, people behind the tables trying to get others to buy their things, and children running toward the small carnival down the block. This is nice, walking around the city with Matthew.

I almost wish I could take his hand right now, but that would be weird, and I also don't want to be viciously turned down in public like that. Sigh...


I really enjoy walking around with Gilbert, seeing all the people going around and past us. The streets are packed, but what do you expect from this populated of a city? The smell of freshly cooked foods come from the open restaurant doors, and by peaking inside I can see a bunch of people ordering pancakes with maple syrup.

My stomach growls in temptation, but I remind it that I just ate and it quiets. I turn to Gil to ask him what he thinks we should do next when I hear an unmistakable sound.

A crying child, nearby. "Do you hear that?" I ask. Gil nods.

I look around, and sense him doing the same. There, on the corner, stands a young boy with blue-ish hair and green rimed glasses, crying and looking around. He's holding a bright orange stuffed cat. I grab Gil's hand and, not taking time to think much about it, dart over to the boy, dragging my friend behind me. He doesn't resist.

I release Gil's hand, regretting it almost instantly, and crouch down next to the little boy. "Are you okay?" I ask.

He stops crying. "I'm lost. I don't know where I am, or how I got here. Can you help me?"

I smile, and Gilbert sits down next to us with an arm over one knee. "Of course we can help you. You are in Toronto, Canada," he says in an even voice to the child. "We don't know how you got here, though. Do you know where your parents are?"

"I don't have any parents. At least, I don't think I do." He tilts his head at us, confused. "I'm pretty sure I'm a country, though. Are you a country?"

I start. This child must be a new country! I look over at Gil. "We both are countries, yes. I'm Canada, and this is Prussia. Our human names are Matthew Williams and Gilbert Beilschmidt. What is your name?"

"My country name is Catlandia. It's an island nation east of Japan. I think my human name is Blue Young, but I'm not exactly sure." Blue looks like he's about to start crying again.

I look at Gil, and he nods, already knowing what is in my mind. He turns to the boy. "Would you like to come with us for a while?"

The little boy smiles brightly. "Really?" 

"Yes, really," I tell him. "We'll take you with us and keep you safe."

He launches himself into my arms, and I hug him as he buries his head in my hoodie. I pat his head gently. "Shhhh, it's okay. Let's go."

Gil helps him onto my shoulders, and I give him a piggy back ride through the market and toward home with Gil by my side.

PruCan ~ Northern Addition (Book 1) UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now