Chapter 210 - 220

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Chapter 210: A whirling bone dagger

The enemies had come swifter than they'd thought. No sooner had hoofbeats sounded in the distance, did strange noises start coming from the roof.

"Go, leave the rooms, go to the courtyard!" Trunks maintained a calm expression as he hefted a longsword and walked towards the courtyard with the manticore.

There was a wide courtyard in the middle of the storefront, with various large and small rooms around its perimeter. If the enemy attacked and pierced through the walls, and then used fire magic to set the rooms on fire, it would force Trunks and the others to be on the defensive.

In addition, Han Shuo had once told them after he'd painstakingly made his preparations that enormous danger lurked within the six pillars. But if they stood in certain positions next to the pillars, they wouldn't be affected by the formation. The formation wasn't active now, but once the six pillars were violently attacked, the formation would have a natural reaction even without Han Shuo's orders.

"We're not familiar with the things inside the courtyard, so let's not make a thoughtless move unless we have to. If we really can't defend ourselves, we'll hit the pillars and then quickly hide into the six safe areas and gamble!" Emily said to the other three while she took out her staff and walked into the courtyard.

It'd been two days since Han Shuo had cast the "Canopy of Necromancy", so there wasn't much of an effect left from it now. The starry sparkles were like diamonds embedded in the night sky, and the light from the myriad actual stars in the sky added a few traces of scattered light in the night. The light was just enough for those in the courtyard to roughly make out their surroundings.

A sound suddenly howled through the air as a little bone dagger with a coldly flashing handle started traveling over the roof like a lost soul.

The howling from the little bone dagger ripped through the quiet of the night sky. Its gleam was particularly eye catching as it brought a cold, harsh presence of death. It flew over the tops of the roofs in a marvelous trail with no discernible pattern to it.

Several soft sounds echoed from the dark corners that the little bone knife flew past. Suddenly, agonized screams rang out from those hard to view corners. Three dark shadows then fell off from the roof into the courtyard in an exceedingly bedraggled manner.

Trunks and the others immediately knew what had happened when they saw this. When they saw three people lying on the ground not far from them, bleeding profusely, they didn't even think before rushing up to finish them off.

The three on the ground had been struggling to their feet when they were laid back down in eternal slumber beneath Trunks and Phoebe's two flashing swords.

The group looked in surprise towards Han Shuo's room when the three were dead. They saw a corner lifted from the window blinds, and the whirling purple eye in the little skeleton's left socket, sparkling with a sinister purple light. There seemed to be a purple ball of ghostly flame dancing around behind the window.

His sparkling clean hand bone waved continuously. The weaving bone dagger seemed to be manipulated by his hands as it danced around with no pattern whatsoever.

"Frightening little skeleton!" Trunks looked and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Look over there!" Gilbert suddenly shouted out. The other three looked over accordingly and saw that three clouds of gray mist were floating out of the three would-be ambushers' heads. The gray clouds seemed to be attracted by some sort of power as soon as they left their bodies and were soon absorbed by the two closest pillars.

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