Chapter 244 - 255

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Chapter 244: Awe

The violent explosions continued for a while before the forbidden zone slowly returned to normal. The radiant sun finally shone on the forbidden area that had been confined for 500 years.

"Ah, light, this is the sun's light!" The injury ridden golden dragon looked up at the bright sun in the sky and felt the warmth of the sun dappling over his body, sighing with great emotion.

Just as he was reflecting with some emotion, the power that he'd lost upon entering the forbidden area slowly began to fill his body once again. His body had been plastered to the ground when it slowly began to rise again. The natural ability of the dragons to fly had been restored.

"The strength that's been confining the entire area has disappeared. We've been saved!" The cyclops' single eye looked straight at the sun as he collapsed on the ground from his injuries. Although he appeared a bit lazy, his green face was filled with delight from the thought of being alive.

On the other side, Gilbert shook his enormous head, sending his tears from earlier flying through the air like the spring rain. His enormous body floated in the air and flew towards Han Shuo, murmuring, "I knew it, I knew you wouldn't kill your most loyal servant!"

Han Shuo had broken his right arm, an arm as strong as iron, with his left hand. The meridians in his neck and arms had exploded, and he was lying in an ever-growing pool of his own blood, panting heavily.

"Idiot, if I hadn't recovered quickly, you would've been dead without a doubt by now!" Han Shuo hectored Gilbert loudly from his listless position. Bloody froth spewed out of his mouth whenever he opened it, but he felt none of the associated pain. His now clear eyes had a few traces of warmth and touched emotions to it.

With the strange power that restrained the entire area vanished, Gilbert felt a familiar power in his body and slowly began to transform as he approached Han Shuo. When he once again stood in front of Han Shuo, he'd already changed into a haggard and worn person, reflecting what he'd just gone through.

"Heh heh, recover your body first!" Gilbert stood with his back to Han Shuo and wiped the moisture from his face, walking over easily and helping Han Shuo up from collapsed position. Gilbert silently stood behind him in support.

Han Shuo chanted out an incantation and a little skeleton with sparkling white bones and a honest and silly earth elite zombie suddenly appeared in front of Han Shuo.

The two of them focused their attention on Han Shuo when they stood in front of him. When they discovered his woeful state and that he was dripping with blood, they rushed to his two sides and reached out urgently with their hands, seeming to want to take his blood and shove it back into his body through his wounds.

Panic and anxiety filled the little skeleton's purple eye and the earth elite zombie's yellow eyes. They waved their arms around madly as they busied themselves, seeming to express, "Alright, alright. We're here now, he'll be fine now!" The two of them capered around frantically to express themselves to Han Shuo. Although their actions of trying to shove his blood back into his body through his wounds were childish and comical, this warmed Han Shuo's heart greatly.

Suddenly, the little skeleton took to the sky and sent his bone dagger and bone spurs whirling through the air. An evil, frosty, and completely inhumane killing intent emanated from his body as the seven bone spurs pierced towards the cyclops and golden dragon like seven bloody streams of light.

At the same time, the earth elite zombie next to Han Shuo sank into the ground like he stepping into water. Shaking and rumbling then traveled from the depths of where the cyclops and golden dragon were. Sharp earth mounds then began shooting out of the ground. The cyclops standing on the ground was the first to be affected, and he began to frantically evade the attacks.

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