Chapter Four

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15 Years Old

"No!" Clarke screamed, tears falling freely from her eyes. "Please?!" She begged, shamelessly. "This is my home! It was our home! I'm going to be sixteen in just over two months! School starts back in a couple weeks."

"Clarke, I told you I was sorry, okay? But, the decision has been made, I have taken the job."

"I hate you," Clarke whispered.

Abby Griffin never faltered. But at Clarke's words, her green eyes instantly fell. "Well," she said, composing herself. "You'll have to pack while you hate me. I've got to run into work to finalize some things. Get packing, we leave in two days. Your school papers have been transferred."

"I can't believe you! I've lived my entire life here. Dad is still here!"

"I left money on the counter for pizza, I won't be home for awhile. If you're not packed, then your stuff stays."

Clarke watched in anger as her mother drove away, not even caring that she was ripping Clarke's life apart. Bellamy caught her eye, walking across the street in his favorite old Army shirt he won at school last year.

"Clarke? What's the matter?" He asked, pulling his girlfriend of over a year and a half into his arms.

Clarke sobbed into his shirt, dark spots all over his chest from her tears. "She took a job," Clarke choked out. "She told me I had two days to pack, and that she's forcing me to leave. Dad's barely been gone a year, I just managed to stop crying myself to sleep, and she's dragging me away. Bellamy I can't leave you," she sobbed.

Bellamy led her into the house, closing the door as they walked to her room. He pulled her into his lap, her legs across his. "It's, it's going to be okay," he whispered.

"I'll come back to you, Bellamy," Clarke promised, a fierceness to her voice. "I love you, Bellamy."

"I have always loved you, Princess," he said, gripping her face. "Always."

Clarke kissed him, pushing him back on the bed. She slid her hands up his chest, opening her legs over his. Bellamy deepened the kiss, his tongue sweeping hers.

He rose, flipping Clarke into her back. He tugged his shirt over his head, Clarke's eyes drawn to his tan chest. Her pale hands slid up and down it before she tugged her own shirt, Bellamy helping pull it off of her arms. He slowly kissed her, making his way down her neck, her chest, her stomach, and to the waistband of her jeans.

Clarke arched her back, lifting her body as Bellamy slid her shorts and panties off of her body. Slowly, painfully slowly, he kissed his way up her legs, her thighs, and finally between her legs.

Clarke screamed, her body exploding in pleasure for the first time in her life. She was dizzy with pleasure as he raised himself up hovering over her.

"Are you ready?" He asked her gently.

She looked into his chocolate eyes, so much love between the two of them. She nodded, pulling him into a kiss as he pushed into her.

******2 Days Later******

"So, this is it, then?"

"I love you, Clarke Eliza Griffin. Do you understand me?" Bellamy demanded.

"Yes," she said, a tear falling.

"I got you this," he said, handing her a new game. "You don't have this one yet."

Clarke smiled, tucking the game into her bag. "Thank you, Bellamy." She reached back in her bag, and pulled out the plastic tiara. The silver paint was chipped off in most places, a ton of the jewels missing. "I've held onto this piece of plastic for seven years," she started. "Hold onto it for me, okay? Give it back to me if I'm still your princess when I get my way back to you."

Bellamy took the tiara, pulling Clarke to his chest in an extremely tight hug. She could feel his breathing go shallow as she squeezed him back. He pulled back as Abby honked the horn of her car. "I love you," Bellamy promised her, kissing her lips once more.

Clarke managed not to completely break down until she was in the car, looking back at Bellamy. His light gray shirt was growing darker in spots as he looked at her. She waved one last time, her heart feeling like it was being ripped from her chest as Abby pulled away.

She sobbed, not even caring that her mother was next to her. She sobbed, hyperventilated, blew her nose constantly, and finally, her chest hurt too much to cry. No more tears fell from her eyes as she scratched her chest. Her lungs hurt from breathing so deeply, but she welcomed it. She gave her mother a sideways glance, deciding right then, that this wouldn't be forgiven.

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