Chapter Ten

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Bellamy felt his body tense up as he saw Clarke standing with Raven. He knew it was her before she turned, though she had chopped off most of her hair.

She was still beautiful.

"Bellamy?" Gina asked, standing in front of me. "When were you planning on telling me your ex moved back into town?"

Bellamy cleared his throat. "I was going to tell you this weekend, but you said you couldn't come by yesterday," he shrugged, acting as though he wasn't affected. But, fuck he was.

"Right, so you couldn't just call me? Did you sleep with her?" Gina demanded, anger in her eyes.

"What? No, Gina. I didn't sleep with her, but, when I first saw her, I was very shocked. She came over," Bellamy said, scratching his neck. "I have to be honest, I did kiss her."

"She kissed you, or you kissed her?"

Bellamy sighed. "I kissed her, Gina."

"You know, everyone told me that dating you was a bad idea," she sighed. "They all told me you were stuck on your ex, that you still held this candle for her. But, for the entire summer it really seemed like you were into me, Bellamy."

Bellamy looked at Gina, guilt all over his features. "Gina I was into you. I told you, I was getting over her," he said. "But, she just showed up! I didn't think I would ever see her again."

Gina stepped a little closer to him as everyone was rushing past them to get to class. "I'm really not into being someone's distraction or second choice."

"I know," Bellamy sighed. "It's not fair to you at all. I'm so sorry that I kissed her, Gina. It was wrong, but I couldn't help it."

Bellamy expected her to slap him, or yell. But, she shocked him completely, hugging him. "It's okay. But, tell everyone I dumped you, not I got dumped for a two year old ex, okay?"

Bellamy smiled, thankful that she didn't want to murder him. He shook his head, walking to class, anxious to know if he was sharing any classes with Clarke.

The bell had rang ten minutes ago, but the entire class was talking, all questioning Clarke about the last two years. Miss Greene didn't even seem to mind, she was busy typing away at her desk.

Murphy kept stealing looks at Bellamy, knowing that he was mentally messed up from it all, but Murphy was discreet and didn't say a word. Bellamy could feel the class looking though, wondering why Clarke and him weren't speaking.

Bellamy decided that he didn't like it, so he jumped into the conversation. "What's the rest of your schedule like, Clarke?"

Without missing a beat, Clarke smiled "I've got Calculus next, but then I'll be leaving for work."

"Same as me," Bellamy smiled. "Where are you working?"

"I'll be working from home, actually," she said, shrugging. "Nothing really fun at all. Are you working with Aurora?"

Bellamy was almost uncomfortable with how easily Clarke was talking with him. Meanwhile he could have been drowning with how constricted his lungs were. "I will be," he nodded. "Most days, though. She usually gives me Wednesdays off."

Clarke just nodded, turning towards Finn, who was annoyingly tugging on strands of her freshly cut hair. She laughed at something he said, making Bellamy jealous that he hasn't been the one to cause that laughter. He now hated Finn.

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