Chapter Eleven

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"I still can't believe you're back," Raven said, handing me her phone. "Put your number in, immediately."

Clarke was suddenly surrounded by a sea of cell phones, all waiting for her number. She hurriedly typed her name and number handing everyone their phones back. Surprisingly, Bellamy even held his phone up.

When she passed it back, he smiled at her. Not that half smile she loved, a full smile that caused her heart to hammer against her chest.

"When do you get off work?" Finn asked.

"I actually just work as much as I want to, why?" Clarke asked.

"We should do something, catch up," Finn smiled.

Clarke knew he was flirting, and she desperately wanted to flirt back, not to look weak and like she was still pining for Bellamy, but she just couldn't.

"No," Raven said, saving her. "I get her first!" She laughed, grabbing Clarke's arm. "I'm coming over after school, and we are having a slumber party with pajamas and pillow fights."

"Video it," Kyle Wick, winked. Clarke snuck a look at Raven, noting how she rolled her eyes, but she had to bite her lip to hide her smile. Clarke was defintely going to be discussing Kyle at this sleepover.

"Okay!" Miss Greene said, standing from her desk. "Let's get right into this, you are all seniors. You are all in advanced classes. You're all smart, you all have bright futures ahead of you. So, this year isn't going to be like last year with Mr. Leonard. We aren't doing one book for two months and then just taking a test over it. This semester, we will have a new assignment per week. There will be book reports, creative writing assignments, language skill tests, and a ton of SAT practice."

The whole class sighed, collectively. They were all capable, but who wanted extra work?

"The college over in Polis will be holding two SAT testing sessions this year. One in November, and the other in March. I am strongly urging each of you to take both of these, okay?"

Clarke nodded along with the rest of the class, writing down the months. She had every intention of taking the tests, getting into college far away from here, and starting over.

"Now, to start things off, I am going to give everyone an easy first week. Creative writing is something that I find simple. I know there are a few of you who may struggle to find subject matter, but here are a few ideas: love, loss, sports, cars, even television shows. If you love Game of Thrones, write to me about it. Argue over characters. If you have experienced a great love or loss in your life, write to me about it. In these papers I want to know about your emotions," Miss Greene explained. "I want this to be a passionate paper. Make me feel what you've felt."

A few students shrugged or sighed, but a few wore determined looks. Clarke was feeling too many emotions to pick which one she would like to convey in a paper.

"I'm giving you all the rest of class today to talk QUIETLY amongst each other. Discuss your ideas, start planning your paper. I want them all turned in on Friday, and on Friday we will start another project." Miss Greene sat back down at her desk while the class erupted in whispers and lowered voices.

Clarke listened as Finn decided he would write about soccer. Kyle and Raven both argued because they both decided to wrote about their future jobs, engineers. Murphy couldn't decide what to write, and Clarke just shrugged when anyone asked her. She smiled, listening and chatting with everyone else, and she knew she could either write about one of the two major loves in her life. Her father or Bellamy. Clarke was confident Miss Greene would never read the papers aloud and embarrass anyone, but still, to be safe she decided to write about her father.

But should she write about the love he had given her, or the loss she had been left with?

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