Chapter Eighteen

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Bellamy got dressed, meeting his mother in the kitchen as she was putting the final touches on Clarke's birthday cake. "Are you ready?" He asked her.

"Yes," she said, enthusiastically. "Go open the door, I don't want to drop the cake."

Bellamy shook his head, but he did as he was told. He held the door open, following his mom across the street, knocking on the Griffin's door.

"Good morning," Abby greeted us. "She's still asleep."

Bellamy smiled. "Not for long," he chuckled as Abby put the '18' candle in the top of the enormous cake. His mom had went all out, three layers covered in strawberries and chocolate.

Bellamy eased into Clarke's room, stunned briefly at how much love he could physically feel for her. He probably should have been gentle, kissed her sweetly and whispered until she woke up, but he didn't.

"PRINCESS!" He shouted, bursting out laughing as Clarke jumped, grabbing her chest. Bellamy was bent over in tears as Clarke shot him daggers, throwing a pillow at him.

"You prick! For your birthday I didn't make you almost piss!" She pushed past him to the bathroom.

"Oh, come on!" He laughed. "I love you!"

Clarke was still very much irritated when she exited the bathroom, but she kissed him cheek. "I may love you, but I hate you," she said with narrowed eyes.

"Mom brought you a cake," he grinned. "And I got you a present."

"Material things don't sway me," she laughed, gripping his hand as they made their way to the kitchen.

"Hell of a wake up call," Abby was chuckling with Aurora.

"She still loves me," Bellamy said, sticking his tongue out at Clarke.

Bellamy put his gifts on the table as Aurora brought the cake in front of Clarke. She closed her eyes briefly before blowing out the candles.

"Okay, give me this present you promised," she told me as the cake was being cut.

Bellamy smiled, sliding them both over as Abby stepped out of the room. Aurora pit cake down for everyone as Clarke smiled. "No, you didn't," she smiled. She ripped open the paper, her smile lighting up her entire face. "Seriously? I get to play as a girl?!"

Bellamy leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Yes, you do."

She read the cases of both games, still smiling. Bellamy felt proud that something so simple could make her that happy.

Abby cleared her throat as she entered the room again. She held up an envelope. "Your father left very clear instructions for me on when this was to be opened. Today, on your birthday." She handed Clarke a white envelope.

Bellamy held his breath as Clarke opened it.

After a moment, she met her mother's eyes. "He-he wrote this five years ago."

Abby simply nodded.

"Clarke," she read aloud. "Happy eighteenth birthday! I want you to know that I love you. I have loved watching you grow your entire life and I'm hoping I've still got time left to watch more. Right now I can hear you and Bellamy down the hall.

I'm sure that right now the two of you are still the same, fighting over a video game controller. I am fully confident that you're doing well and that the two of you are now deciding on which colleges to apply to to make sure you're never apart.

I want you to know I approve of that. You two will grow to love each other as much, if not more, than your mother and I loved each other at your age.

More than anything I want you to know how proud I have always been of you, Clarke Griffin. I will always love you. Continue to fight with Bellamy over that controller. Keep sticking your tongue out at the back of his head. Keep loving each other, but make sure you don't half ass it. Be all in.

Love your father." Clarke finished, wiping a tear from her cheek. She folded the paper back up, tucking it safely back in the envelope. "Thank you, Mom."

Bellamy stood and pulled Clarke up, wrapping his arms around her. "Come on, Princess. Let's fight over that controller," he smiled.

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