WoAh ThIs GoT dEeP (Ch.9)

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Y/N pov

Somehow from sleeping all afternoon your still tired so as soon as you get home you get dressed and go to bed.

~Time Skip~

You wake up in the morning starving 'cus you haven't eaten in a long time. Since lunch yesterday to be exact.

You walk downstairs and check the time. You have two hours to get ready for school.

First you get some cereal because your parents aren't awake to cook anything for you.

You go up stairs, after eating breakfast, and take a shower.

After your shower you pick out your outfit for school.

You hear your parents wake up and you ask your mom to blow dry your hair.

After your hair is blow dried and brushed you get dressed.

When you got dressed you realised that your bag was still at school so you told your mom.

Your parents drop you off at school and go to work.

You wait for the school doors to open and go straight to the office.

"Uhm hello I am Y/N L/N and yesterday I kinda left school and went to the hospital I was wondering if my bag was in here or in my class."

The desk lady looked at you and then looked at a sticky note on her desk.

Her hair was bright pink and she was wearing a light blue shirt from what you could see.

She said with a cheery voice," oh yes Y/N your bag should be in the lost and found area on the black desk."

"Oh oki tanks." You say as you walk into the lost and found room and immediately see your pepe (teh frog) bag that your mom specially made for you.

You take it and walk to your class.

As soon as you get to class you put your stuff up and your teacher said," Y/N I'm so glad your back are you ok?"

You sit at your desk as your face goes  red from everybody lookin at you. "Y-yeah I'm fine."

"That's great just so you know you should probably go to your special arts teacher from yesterday during recess to see if you have any make up work." She said

You nod and you do your class work.

~Time Skip 2.0 to lunch~

After eating lunch and cleaning up your area and ask to go to the bathroom.(I never use the bathrooms at my school they haunted man you can hear voices in there)

You go to the bathroom and hear someone crying. You look in one of teh stalls and see a girl sitting there.

Her face was really red and wet.

You walk up to her and ask her if she's ok.

"No. I'm not ok. I'll never be ok. Nothing is ever ok."

"Why not?" You ask.

"Because my cousin killed himself. My mother said she saw him with a rope around his neck. She was so angry. She hit me. Wanna see?"

"What do you mean she hit you?" You ask

The girl stood up and lifted her shirt to show to marks on her stomach.

"Would you like me to tell the office?" You ask.

"NO!" She said.

"But why this is serious you need help." You say.

"That's what everyone says."

"What do you mean? (Wdym)" you ask.

"The all say I'm crazy. They give me pills. They try to take me away."

"I never said you were crazy I said you need help before you get hit again. You can run away to my house if you want." You say.

You see her face light up a little.

"R-really? You could do that for me? Lend me your house? Your the nicest person ever!"

She hugs you and you hug back. "Your welcome!" You say.

"Thanks!" She says.

You both walk out of the bathroom and make sure it looks like she wasn't crying.

You both go back to lunch and it turns out she sits at your table.

Everyone talks a little while you stare at sc-- Vlayd. One day you'll remember his name.

~Time skip 3.0 to recess~

As much as you would like to go sit on the swings and stalk- I mean look at Vlayd you go to music and see if you have make up work.

It turns out you have a play to practice for but since you weren't here yesterday you didn't get an important part.

All you have to do is practice a song which your music teacher says not to worry about until you have her class again.

You go outside with the rest of you class and tell your teacher.

She just says ok and tells you to go play.

You see your empty swing seat and run to it.

You sit there and look for scarf boi.

While your looking you see the bathroom girl from earlier getting yelled at by the girl that hit you in the chest yesterday.

You walk up to her and tell the mean girl to stop.

"Oh and what are you going to do."

"Tell my friend to get up and run away with me." As soon as you say that you guys run away.

She yells at the other two girls beside her to chase us and we keep running.

As we are running I ask, " you ok bud?"

"Yeah I guess I'm fine but.."

"But what?"

She collapses and hold her side where her mom hit her.

"She kicked me here." She said.

You try to pick her up but you being the little weakling you can't.

"I'm gonna go get a teacher. Ok?" You say.

"Hurry please!" She says.

I'm just gonna stop it here because a lot has already happened. I just realised that they're only in kindergarten lol. I'm gonna make things be more chill after we deal with this kid oki! Anyways I hoped you enjoyed what ever this was bye mah yummies!

P.s I might just spam you with chapters while I still have ideas in my head.....sorry bye neow!

It All Started With a Cookie!|Kindergarten to Middle school| (A Vlyad x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now