Online Dating/Breakup (Ch.32)

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Y/N pov

So I probably should've mention this earlier but back in kindergarten we got a ps3 for Christmas.

The reason I'm mentioning this now is because that's where I spend most of my time.

Roleplaying on littlebigplanet3.

That's where I got most of my online friends.

I've had aloooot of online boyfriends.

One I even had a wedding for.

It was great.

We are actually still dating rn so I get on and go talk to him.

P/N = your player name.
B/N= Boyfriend's player name

P/N: Hai! ❤❤

B/N= Uh hello...

P/N: you ok?

B/N: uh yeah I uh we need to talk.

P/N: Wut about?

B/N: we're breaking up.

P/N: oh ok...

B/N: Well I gtg bye

P/N: Bye Ig...

I get off the PlayStation and cry.

Luckily my brother is at work so he can't see me cry.

The rest of the day I practice drawing because my drawings look like total shit.

Hallow! I may spam with chapter again but idk. Btw this actually happened to me either in fourth or fifth grade. Lool. Anyways hope you enjoyed buhbye!


It All Started With a Cookie!|Kindergarten to Middle school| (A Vlyad x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now