Chapter 4

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Lotor POV

My guards let me know before hand that they have arrived. I chose a plain suit with a purple vest and tie. I still have my pins and patch's on my suit to show my position. I hope this will go over easy especially with my little pawn. He's cleaned up and patched up from working in the mines. Sadly I couldn't get the other one since he died.

I fix myself one last time and sit waiting for my angel and the other Paladins. Once I sit the doors open and I see my angel, she looks absolutely stunning. It seems like one of the other Paladins has noticed and is glaring at me. He might be a problem. By the way he's dressed, he must be the black paladin, leader of Voltron.

" Good evening Prince Lotor" say Princess Allura.
"And to you Princess Allura, now shall we get straight to the point"
"why yes Prince Lotor let us discuss the peace treaty"
"I will seize all plans to take over the galaxy, free all the slaves that want to go starting with this one but do not mistake me I do want something in return" once I say this I have them bring out my little pawn.
"M-matt" I hear my her say once he's out.
"K-K-katie" he says in response to her. 'That's her name it's quite lovely' I think to myself. She runs over to him and engulfs him in a hug and starts crying, what I'm assume are tears of joy. A small smile finds its way to my face but soon falls when I see him walking over to them. My pawn stands up or Matt as my angel called him.

"It's great to see you again Matt" he says.
"it's great to see too Shiro" Matt says
'His name is Shiro, I will make sure to keep him away from my little club.'
"I am sorry but we need to finish this before he's freed" once I say this the guards start to pull him back. I hear my darling protesting against it.
"if you want we can keep him out here for the rest of the meeting but he must remain quiet" I offer trying to make my angel a bit happier.
"yes" she says wiping her tears, I hand her my handkerchief, before Shiro could. He glares at me but I do not care. I just want to see my sweetheart happy.
"T-thank you" my she says wiping her tears.
"anytime, whenever you need it" I say in response. That Shiro kept glaring at me as they made there way back to there seats.
"what do you want in return Prince Lotor" Princess Allura said
"I want the Lions on voltron split up again as well as one of the Paladins of voltron to wed and scene there is only one female, I shall wed the green Lions Paladin."
"NO!" shiro said standing up 
"Sir sit down this isn't your decision it's Katie's am I correct" I respond I can practically see smoke coming out of his ears.
"yes it's Katie and I have a question for you Prince Lotor before I agree to this."
"ask away my dear Katie"
"you promise that no harm will come to anyone else."
"I'll do it " 
'YES' I think while I his face drop from anger to sadness.
"Pidge at least think about it for a day" he said pleading.
"come back tomorrow with your answer I don't want to rush you. I suggest you think wisely about your decision. You may say goodbye I promise nothing will happen to him while your gone" as I said that she walked over and hugged him goodbye I heard them whisper something but I'm not quite sure what. Once they were done I had him taken to my office where I can learn more about my precious angel.

Hello lovely people! I hope you enjoyed Chapter 4!! Next chapter I might make a but different but who knows. Please comment and vote! I'd love to hear your opinions! Have a great day!!

Who will she choose [Voltron Lotor x Pidge x Shiro ]Where stories live. Discover now