Chapter 7

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Shiro POV

~after call~

Katie exits the room and looks at me. "You stayed the whole time?"

"of course I said I would and I did"

" I told you I would be fine"

"Yes but I still worry, it's Prince Lotor after all you ever know what he's thinking."

"You are such a worry wort. What do you mean by that?"

"Prince Lotor is unpredictable he could harm you. I'm just worried is all"

"He wouldn't hurt me shiro" she's say with certainty. I could feel this once playful conversation turn serious.

" I don't have as much faith in him as you"

"well then gain more faith him"

"that task may prove to difficult for me"

"nothing's impossible Taisha, not even this"

"There are when there might be ulterior motives at play by the one you want to have faith in."

"what do you mean?"

"Isn't it a bit odd that all of a sudden Prince Lotor our enemy, wants to be our friend and marry you? He wants to marry you before he knows you, doesn't that seem odd? All I'm saying is that he's been quite suspicious."

"I admit it seems odd but he does not have other motives. He isn't his father."

"yes his father Zarkon. Who has tried to kill us, take my lion and hurt us all our worst enemy. Why not marry his son who is surely nothing like his father. What a splendid--"

"STOP IT! THIS IS MY CHOICE!WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE SO MUCH!! I'M NOTHING BIT ANOTHER PALADIN OF VOLTRON" she says tears threatening to spill though I did not see them in my fit of anger.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! YOUR NOT JUST ANOTHER PALADIN TO ME!" I shouldn't have said that. She looks at me in shock and runs to her room past me, tears running down her face. I feel my feet give out from under me and I break down into tears. I shouldn't have said anything, I shouldn't have gotten angry and I shouldn't have these feelings.

I feel arms around me more precisely Keith and Hunk's. "Lance and Allura went to check on Pidge" Keith said. They lift me up and we head to my room. Tears still pouring down my face.

"we heard pidge and your conversation." hunk said "it wasn't like we were listening but you guys were yelling"

"what do I do?"

"shiro don't worry about it right now. At least you got it off your chest before anything permanent happens. Just..... I don't know." Keith said

"you guys should go to the others and check on Pidge. I'll be fine here I just want to be alone right now. Thank you for your words and taking me to my room."

"shiro we're always here for you" they say

"Please just go"

"alright" Hunk said exiting

"shiro please just talk to us" Keith pleaded

"I'm fine Keith you should head back to Lance. I wouldn't want him worrying now "

"alright but just know that we're always here for you."

"I know, thank you. Now get out of here" I smile sadly at him and escorted him out and lock the door once he's far enough away.I walked back to my bed. I crawled back in and silently cried to myself. I hoped, no prayed, that nothing would change between us, and if they did for the better.

"My little pigeon is about to leave the nest"

Hello lovely People! I hope you all enjoyed chapter 7! Please don't hate me!! You all know I'm an evil bean! I honestly want to cry myself! By the way Keith and Lance are dating!! So one plus side! Does Pidge return his feelings? Well hopefully you'll find out next chapter or will you?? MUH HAHA!! I... I really don't know what I'm doing. Is anyone else here going to anime NYC?? Who do you guys think will win pidges love??

Who will she choose [Voltron Lotor x Pidge x Shiro ]Where stories live. Discover now