Chapter 27

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Lotor POV

I start to lead my angel to the on board mechanics. I know she is facinated by our technology, so I might as well show her. Katie will be ecstatic. Well, more then she is now, being out of those heels. I enjoy having this permanent smile on my face. It is refreshing from having to deal with my father and duties.

"What are you thinking about?" I hear a small voice say.

"I am truly sorry, I was just thinking about how happy you will be once you see your surprise."

"Really now?"

"Yes. I am most certain."

''Then lets go! Come on pick up the pace."

"Well someone is excited." I say with a playful smirk.

"Psh, no." she looks away with a small tint of red on her cheeks "So...what is it?"

"You will find out in a moment."

We turn the corner, and I place my hands over her eyes. "We can not have you peaking, now can we." I walk towards the door with my angel infront of me. Once the door is opened I lead her to the middle of the room, before I take my hands away.

I watch as her eyes went wide with wonder and amazment. She is barley able to utter any words.

I bent down to her ear "I told you you would enjoy it."

"I-Its... absolutely beautiful!"

"Go on and tinker. No one can stop you." I place a badge around her neck, which allows her all access.

She takes a look at the badge, and then back at me, before running off. I watch as she walks around. Taking everything in and carefully running her fingers across the machines and the ships parked in here for modifications. She stops and stares at one of our drones like it was a long lost friend. I walk over towards her and rest my hand on her shoulder.

"If you want, you can keep it. You just have to program it first, which will be an easy job for you."

"No its just reminded me of an old friend."

"Would you like to tell me about this friend?"

"Maybe another time."

"Alright then, come with me." I hold my hand out towards her. She gladly accepted it and I lead her away. We walk towards a small picnic area I had Axca and Ezor set up. They know more about dating then anyone esle I know. Then again, I do not know or really trust many people. I do know, that My angel would never never betray me. She is who she says she is, brave, stubborn, genius, caring, aggressive, and most importantly an honest and kind soul. Thankfully she has become accustomed to me. Though, I can tell she still worries about someone else. I have a feeling I know who that someone is. I push the dark thoughts away into the back of my mind.

"This is like a tiny feast." Katie says breaking me free from my day dreaming.

"Only the best for my angel." we both sit and start to eat.

"Is there anything else you like to do?"

"What do you mean"

"For example, your love of tinkering."

"No, there really isnt anything. I mean there's not much else to do on a ship. The only other thing is training, which we alrady have to do anyway....Back on eath I was a master at video games."

"What is a video game? "

"I forgot you dont know much about earth. It's kinds like, a game you play on a screen. You use a keyboard or contoller to move your character and make them do things"


"What about you?"

"I am not allowed to do much because of my position. All my spare time is taken by my royal duties. Though it's not like it matters, my father never inaugurate me, he just wants to rule forever."

"That's rough. I dont know what I would do without my family. Sounds like you've never had much of one."

"You can not miss what you never had."

She moves closer and wraps her arms around me in a hug. "I could try to be your family." I hugged her back after being frozen in shock. We stayed like that for a while, then went back to our picnic, and Katie eventually explored more of the Galra technology.

Hello lovely people!! I hope you enjoyed chapter 27!! Lotor and Pidge went on a date! How do you guys feel about that? Did anyone know who that long lost friend is? If need be I shall give hints. I hope you all have a lovely day and don't forget to show love to our amazing editor galactic_foxes for without them none of this would be possible!!

Who will she choose [Voltron Lotor x Pidge x Shiro ]Where stories live. Discover now