Chapter 32

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Pidge POV

Once Shiro and the others were forced to leave, I sit down on the bed and fall backwards. Lotor sits down besides me after a moment.

"So, how do you think it went with the other Paladins?"

"You showed them that you're different, that you're not Zarkon. Don't worry to much. Once they get to know who you are, they'll be more accepting of you, but for now we need to wait and let it sink

"Quite right. The red and blue one don't seem to be pleased with the idea, but the yellow one, I think his name is Hunk, was nice. Do you think it would be alright to give to give him access to the kitchen? He was quite talkative about cooking and preparing meals."

"The red one is Keith and the blue one is Lance. They're great people, just really over protective, so you got to give them some time. It's a great idea letting Hunk use the kitchen. I miss his food, it's really good"

"Well, then I will have to taste it if it is so delicious."

"Yeah, his food reminds me of Earth. Of home...though he'll never beat moms cooking."

The room went silent. It was almost painful to remember home, knowing that we'll probably never go back. That space will be our new homes. That we'll never see our family's again. That I'll never know where mom is or how she's doing. How Lance will never see his brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, mother or father ever again. How Hunk will never see his moms ever again. How we'll just be known as the missing kids from the Galaxy Garrison. How our family's will never know what happened to their kids, who just disappeared that night. They'll never know how we're doing, if we're even alive. Did they give up on us?

Lotor attempts to break the silence but he remains silent. He stands up and walks over towards the door. "I will be right back." he says before exiting.

Lotor enters the room again hiding something behind his back. "What's that?" I say giving him a questionable stare.

"It is not much but I think you will like it." He reveals a pair of dark purple shorts along with with a long sleeve shirt that's black with purple sleeves. "I know you prefer to wear this rather then a dress." I walk over towards Lotor and take the clothing. "Thank you." I say before throwing him out the room. Once the door is closed, I get out of the dress and put the close on. That's so much better, it feels weird to wear a dress again after so many years, and even back then I rarely wore dresses.

I walk towards the door and open it. "How do they fit?" Lotor questioned.

"Great! Thank you so much."

"Anytime Katie. Now it is getting late, please head to your room."

"Alright, Goodnight Lotor."

"Goodnight Katie." once Lotor starts to walk away I close the door behind him.

After an hour or two, I hear five knocks on the door. I walk over and open the door to find Shiro on the other side. "I told you I'd come back." he says. I pull him into the room and close the door behind him.

"I knew you would, just don't get us caught. Then I'll never be able to see you."

"I won't get caught, not with so much on the line."

We had a another night of talking, laughing and cuddling before Shiro had to leave again so no one got suspicious. We say our good byes before I crawl under the covers and pass out.

Hello lovely people! I hope you enjoyed chapter 32! I am so sorry for the late update, I got the correction back late and I thought 'let's post it of the Fourth of July!' I was getting ready post it when I got dragged away, and then I hear back from a photographer who has given me my photos! They look stunning it's of my fire emblem hero Florina cosplay. I'm so sorry for the late update, I'm going to try and get these to you guys on time but we all know life gets in the way. If anyone on here is curious about the photos I'll be posting them soon on my Instagram which is in my description. I hope you all have a lovely day and don't forget to comment and vote and most importantly show lots of love to galactic_foxes because as you all know none of this would be possible without them.

Who will she choose [Voltron Lotor x Pidge x Shiro ]Where stories live. Discover now