Chapter 15

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Pidge POV

I push the two of them apart. They both seem dumbfounded buy it.
"Let's just take this inside. Please don't kill each other."

"Yes"they said in unison and followed behind me inside. Lotor went in front of me to lead us the rest on the way.
"You would make an excellent queen."
I ignore his comment but Shiro...not so much.

We all sit down in our seats. A guard puts the treaty in front of me.

"The choice is your's." Lotor said with a smirk on his face.

I slowly stand up. "Voltron can defeat the Galra empire, we don't need your treaty." I pick up the treaty and rip it in half. I walk out of the room before anyone could react.

Shiro was the first one out. Once he spotted me, I'm instantly wrapped in his arms.
"You were amazing in there"
"What happened once I left?"
"Lotor was furious. He kinda looked like an angry grape, but don't worry we won't let anything happen to you." I laugh at his remark of Lotor being a grape.

Keith, Lance and Hunk walk out soon after.
"No need to get all lovely dove in the hallway." Lance teased. "Like you and Keith haven't already." They both turn bright red.

"Let's get out of here before Lotor can try anything." Hunk said.

"What about the princess?" Lance said. On cue, Allura walked out. She just glared daggers at me. Then she walked away towards the exit. "Come on." Shiro said letting go of me. I head to my lion with Shiro and Lance, and Hunk boards his with Keith and Allura.

"What's her problem?" Lance said.

"She's probably upset about the treaty" Shiro stated.

"Well she's not going to get an apology. Do you guys really think I can get Matt back after this?"

"I know we can. Especially now that we know his location"

"Thank you."

"Although your not coming with us when we do."


"Lotor. Pidge it would be way to risky they'll let the rest of us go and put there forces towards you. "

"Alright but-"

"No buts."

~~at the castle of lions~~

"Let's all meet up in the lounge once we change" Shiro said. We all split up and head to our rooms.

Once I finish getting out of the dress and into my normal clothes, I head to the lounge. I was the last one there, well except for Allura and Coran but they never come in here. I sit down next to Shiro. We all start talking and laughing again like nothing ever happened. We can finally be together and happy.

Hello lovely people! I hope you enjoyed chapter 15! Don't fret, this is not the last chapter. How I wish they can just have a happy ending, but there still questions that need to be answered! Please comment and vote!

Who will she choose [Voltron Lotor x Pidge x Shiro ]Where stories live. Discover now