Blackout Jerks - 2

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I couldn't believe my sister had decided to see the worst band of all time. She had serious taste issues. Ew, not in a perverted way. Though maybe that's an issue too...OMG! Wake up, Bianca, that's disgusting! It seemed way to unreal though. I was going to see Blackout Boys, and our tickets were limited edition, so maybe we'd have front row seats (not that anyone really sits down - too much freaking screaming). Damn. I was really going to get my sister.

"Bibi!" Speak of the devil. Ashley came down, her curlers all in a twist, in her fluffy pink dressing gown. I'd say she looked like a piglet, but she looked a little taller and slimmer. Guinea Pig? Flamingo?

"I  told you not to call me that," I moaned, waggling my finger.

"Anyway, like that's a problem! Just look at my hair," Ashley screeched.

"Gee, calm down already. You're so loud, were in the same room, y' know?" I untangled her fluffy hair from the big bulky curlers, sighing.

"Whatevs- hey, what the hell are you wearing? It's complete trash! Wait - is that your pyjamas? Where leaving in less than two hours and your not even getting ready! I definitely don't need you embarrassing me!" My sister flustered, fuming with panic.

I breathed deeply. "Sis, c'mon. It's in over an hour. I'll just wear my pyjamas, what's the deal? I'll drive you...and that's it! I'm not coming in, OK?"

"You!" She narrowed her eyes. "Whatever, but don't you dare wear your silly pyjamas!"

Like I care, dipstick. Ashley is such a diva queen. So many things wrong always start with her. I don't like to blame my Mum, but this is kind of her fault. Why do I have to go to see  these stupid idiots.

I shuffled up the stairs into my bedrooms, jumped on the bed and turning the TV on, helping myself to a few of my 'secret stash'.

The first thing I saw was that Blackout Jesse's stupid face.

Well, I suppose he was quite good looking. In fact, he was totally hot. The picture on the screen was very fuzzy, but you could still see he looked great. Like that matters though. He's personality is worse  than my sister's empty brain.

"Today, at 8:30pm, Jesse James will be playing live with his successful band - Blackout Boys. Though the teenager was seen with two girls, and a bottle of Whisky earlier this evening. Will he be fine by the concert? This is Jennifer Anderson reporting live-"

I paused my big TV. There were two girls, I recognised both of them. Wait! That's because the whole world knows who they are. Bailey and Pippa Ellis. The famous 'Ellis' twins. Their Mom is a serious fashion nerd, only she's obviously super-stylish. The number one national magazine is Ellis, my Mum loved it when she was in her twenties, and it's still doing very well. The Ellis Twins are not eighteen. They're in their late twenties! Why would they want to hang around with a eighteen year-old brat. This world is a creepy mystery.

I turned off the TV, and decided that maybe I should get ready, Ashley was probably right. I would look ridiculous in my fluffy - very revealing - underwear and big sweater. I wasn't fussed. I just picked out my white Indie jeans and my black Ellis vest, and added my red leather jacket. I just popped on my white slip-ons. They only had a one inch heel - very glamorous and shiny and silver.

My hair...well, I'll just tie it in a messy bun. My make-up was completely rubbed off from earlier on. No bother. But I'd definitely make sure no-one saw me.

"Sis!  It's time!" Ashley squealed, as if her whole life depended on this day.

She cursed at me when she saw what I was wearing.

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