He Saw Me in My Underwear - 10

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I thought that this was going to be a quick visit. So far Ashley and Jesse hadn't even touched (I couldn't quite put them in different rooms, they'd just keep on repelling). Although I knew Jesse was very close to getting Ashley to sleep with him. He'd been here for two hours now! This guy clearly had some issues! Did he just act stupid or was he born like that?! I'd been listening to two hours of this guy whining on and on about himself, his band and of course pretending to be interested in Ashley's life, although all she did was giggle, stare at him and say "Oh, erm, what were you saying?" .

Jesse wasn't even a bit drunk. The drinks didn't go very far. Thanks to me, although at least Jesse wasn't as alcoholic as the press like to make out. Although, he was annoying as hell! Ashley was pretty drunk (even if I had tried numerous ammount of times to hide all the alcohol away), but I'm sure that wasn't a good thing in this case AT ALL. This only made it easy for Jesse to get a better impression of her and see how weak she really was.

"Are you not having fun, Bi?" Jesse grinned, knowingly.

"Of course I am, because I'm so smiley," I scoffed, with an extremely straight face. "Look, get your hands of my sister, and more to the point - get out of my house!"

"No no no!" Ashley shouted, slurring her words. "Jesse, bab- babe- baby! You stay here!"

"See, Bianca Beau? Look what you've done, Ashley clearly wants me to stay here - with her! Why is it that you can't respect that?" The tramp gave a stupid pout. Was he stupid? Or did he just think I was stupid?

"I don't care, get out of my house!" I rolled my eyes at his face, which was still a pout. I signalled at the door.

Ashley was now rolling on the sofa, mumbling random things to herself, I was very aware of her being sick and left a bowl with her. See, I was going to make sure Jesse really did leave the lands of my house. Trespassing and all.

Although, he paused before actually going outside the door. Would this guy just go!

"What are you doing?" I gritted my teeth, in an irritated tone.

"Well, I just realized that I don't have my car..." Jesse turned around to me, with a supposedly "sweet" smile.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't...?"

I presumed he meant letting me drive him. Not again! I couldn't leave drunk Ashley by herself so she'd have to come. No way. NO WAY.

"I'm not driving you home, you tramp. Don't be such an idiot," I yawned, sighing.

"What? I can call my butler now and he'd pick me up in less than two minutes, but it's the paparazzi I'm worried about..." Jesse looked around as if the paparazzi could be hiding somewhere in the house.

"Right, because the paparazzi really know where your school who is, that I drove you home and you've gone home with a now drunk fourteen-year old girl and her old sister," I sniggered.

"Yes," Jesse frowned. "They do."

What? You have got to be kidding me! I have know this guy for about a week now, and already the whole world knows what school I go to, that I know Jesse James and have a weak, stupid sister. Really - is it any wonder I hate this guy with the way he's acting!

"You're joking, right?"I gasped.

"Nope," and then he grinned, knowingly.

"Well, get out of my house, then, you tramp! Who do you expect me to do?" I screamed, literally opening the door and pushing him out. I scanned my eyes around my front yard. "See no, paparazzi!"

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