The boys!

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Maddie's pov

"Look at poor birdie sitting there over there all by herself! Maybe we should go and sit with her!" I explain to my bestie's Kendall and Kalani. They both give me strange looks to my statement.

"I'm just kidding guys!! Haha who wants to sit with old smelly blondie!! Apart from sweet kind Nia!" We all burst into laughter, as Nia enters the den to go and sit by Chloe.

"Poor Nia she doesn't know what she's doing to her social status by sitting over there with stupid blondie," I receive more giggles from the girls. As we are giggling away the den door opens and in walks my perfect boyfriend Gino and his you could say sidekicks Zac and Lucas. Gino starts walking over to "our corner" of the den and I see Zac glance over at stupid Chloe, ugh! Why does he want to look at her when everyone knows Kalani has a crush on him and Kendall has a crush on Lucas!

"Hey babe how you doing?" Gino asks me while giving me a peck on the cheek and setting his bag down next to mine.

"Good thanks, but even better now that your hear!" I reply giving him a cheeky grin.

"Oh really?" he says. I glance at the clock quickly checking the time, to see how long we have until pyramid. 3 minutes. Perfect.

"Mmm hmm! 3 minutes till class starts what do you wanna do?" I question him cheekily.

"I don't know does this answer your question?" He says and at that moment, he crashes his plump perfect lips into mine. It turns out into a great make out sesh, but out of the corner of my eye I see wee blondie staring at us and I immediately pull away from the kiss.

"What are staring at blondie keep your eyes to your self. But you probably wouldn't want to look at your self since your so fat!" I spat at chloe. I turned back to face Gino with a wide grin on my face

"Now where were we?"

And I forgot to mention Lucas, Gino and Zac are on the elite team as well.

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