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Chloe’s Pov

“Where here!” Paige squealed as she opened the car door and ran towards her parents. I had been thinking about what Zac had said, that I didn’t even realised we had arrived at the hyland’s house!

“Kelly, Randy!!!! I’ve missed you guys so much!” I shouted as I too ran towards them, followed by Brooke then Josh.

“Oh girls we have missed you so much come and have dinner!!” Kelly exclaimed.

~After dinner~

We raced down to the basement, and we jumped onto the beds eager to catch up on each other’s lives. I jumped on to the bed in the middle so that Paige would be on one side of me and Brooke on the other. As we lay down gossiping about everything we were interrupted when a something heavy landed on us, we struggled to turn around to find that Josh was lying on us. 

“So ladies whats all the gossip?” he questioned.

“JOSH!” we all replied at the same time.

“What? I’m just glad to have my favourite girls back, especially you!” he replied looking at me and giving me a wink. I think I just melted!!

“Eww Josh go away! MUM!!” Paige screamed.

“JOSH LEAVE THE GIRLS ALONE!” Kelly cried in response.

Once he left, we went back to talking about Zac, Josh, Maddie, everything.

When we finally decided it was time to bed, I couldn’t sleep I was too caught up in everything. My best friend was finally back, my childhood crush was back. Zac’s words kept on replaying in my head “guts to ask the girl of my dreams out on a date……. swooped in on his high horse…… stood up for her”

Sorry guys this was a really bad chapter. The book is coming to an end soon, but I am also going to be starting another one so keep a look out for updates!!!


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