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Choe's pov 

As I walked into pyramid with my head down I could tell everyone's eyes were on me. I quickly  scurried into place in the line followed by Nia who had come to get me from the bathroom.

"Right now that we are all here we can get started with the pyramid." Abby's explains, staring me right in the face.

"First we have Lucas! You should expect to be here you forgot your solo! It's just not good enough maybe if you hadn't spent all those years and candy apples you wouldn't be forgetting your solo!! Next is Mackenzie, I know your 2nd album has just come out, but now you need to focus on dance I want you in class more! Be more like MADDIE!" I watched as Mackenzie's face changed from happy to utter disgust! One of Mackenzie's pet peeves was being compared to Maddie. 

"Ok next is Kendall and Nia, now both of you were only in the group dance so there wasn't much to judge you on. Then Chloe, your here because I know you can do so much, now that you are homeschooled you are at the studio more and I see that you are improving each day, but I want to see you put that improvement onto the stage!" Wow for once that wasn't actually negative feedback! What's with Miss Abby today? 

"Now Zac same as Chloe give me more! Next Kalani you were great last weekend! First overall in your solo! Good job! And now on the top of the pyramid I have my wonderful duet partners! Maddie and Gino! Absolutely wonderful guys you got first in your duet and the highest score out of the whole competition!" Abby exclaims.

"Thank you Miss Abby!" Maddie says in her sweet sickly voice, she's such a suck up! I wish Abby saw the other side of her!

Hi guys thank you for all of your support! As this is my frist fanfic please leave comments and feel free to send me a message of possible ideas or anything at all, I might give you a mention!!! Also I just ask you to give me a shoutout as I really want as much people reading my fanfic as possible so I can get better thansk! 

Will try update in the next hour our so xoxo

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