What happened?

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Chloe's pov

I sat in the den on my phone waiting for pyramid to start, as I waited for everyone to arrive my thoughts trailed of. It hasn't been the same since me Twinnie (paige) left! I miss her so much I barely get to see her anymore since I left school and started corresponding to focus in dance. I have only been able to face time her twice in the past month!! Dance is just not the same!! My thoughts were interrupted as I hear giggles coming from behind the den door. As I look up from my phone I see non other than Maddie, Kendall and Kalani. Maddie shoots me a death glare as she walks over to "their" corner of the den followed by Kendall and Kalani.

After paige and brooke left, the aldc dream team turned upside down the famous trio once known as Maddie, Paige and myself turned into the new trio which included Maddie, Kendall and Kalani. Maddie my ex best friend turned against me and made up all these rumours about me and now it's like she's the queen bee of aldc! The only friend I have know is Nia, she's always there for me. I thought Kenzie was too until when she had her auditions for the dancers for her music video for "It's a girls party".


After when Abby told me I was not needed in the video I went back into the den, and Maddie and her we clique came up to me and said "See Chloe your such a wee piece of shit, Kenzie doesn't need a crap dancer like you in her music video." And with that being said they turn on there heels and walk away to have me staring Kenzie straight in the eye. I thought she would have stood up for me? I guess not :(

I turn back to my phone waiting for Nia to arrive and try to ignore there snickering and rude remarks.

So that's my first chapter please comment what you think!! Thanks xoxo

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